Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

Move It or Lose It – Exercise & Brain Health
May 22, 2018

In this episode I talk with Tony Salinaro an exercise professional and running coach who is still running at 71. He dealt with his Moms memory loss and now he works with stroke victims to help them recover and age better.

This Is Your Brain on Nutrition – Diet & Brain Health Discussed
May 21, 2018

This Is Your Brain On Nutrition - Brain Health Discussed On today’s episode I talk with Matthew Peal the founder of the Movement Academy. The Movement Academy help youth & seniors improve physical and cognitive performance.

Stop Acting Your Age!
May 07, 2018

  - How would your life change if you could look, feel and act 10-15 years younger regardless of how many birthday’s you’ve had?  Did you know that staying mentally & physically active can help our brains to grown and add new cells well into our Golde...

Living with Alzheimer’s
May 01, 2018

Living With Alzheimer’s - A Conversation with Pam Montana - Today’s episode is a fascinating conversation with a woman living with Alzheimer’s. Diagnosed in her early 60s, Pam Montana made it her new job to do everything she could to prevent the worst...

My Journey With Family With Alzheimer’s
April 30, 2018

If you listened to my teaser episode you know that I have a Mom with Alzheimers and I’m also the grand daughter and great grand daughter of women who suffered from memory loss. Through my experiences with both my Mom and Grandma I’ve learned how import...

Fading Memories Teaser episode
April 26, 2018

A Supportive Podcast For Those of Us Dealing With a Loved One With Memory Loss.
