Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

111 - Take Back Your Life – Coping with Change
May 05, 2020

Change is stressful. You need to decide if you want to deal with the stress of the same old routine or deal with the stress of trying something new. Coping with change temporarily may lead to a better quality of life.

110 - The Last Goodbye – A Tribute To My Mom
April 28, 2020

They say Alzheimer’s is a series of goodbyes. And It’s true.  I have said goodbye to so many things I had with Mom. What has been a surprise is that the very last goodbye has been harder than I ever e

109 - Bonus – Akum – Research & fundraising
April 23, 2020

How could I resist a humble fundraising assistance request? When it comes from a young man that wants to cure Alzheimer's, I couldn't. Instead of just resharing posts on Instagram, we created this bon

108 - Feed Your Brain for Cognitive Health
April 21, 2020

Being able to feed our brains while on the go is enough challenge. Doing so in a healthy way is even more so. This podcast episode talks about healthy brain nutrition and a new product that makes on-the-go brain health eastier.

107 - Caregiving Challenges In A Covid-19 World
April 14, 2020

Caregiving has enough challenges. Adding in our new challenges due to the Covid-19 virus is almost too much. I've been checking in with past guests to see how they're coping. This episode is with Richard Creighton.

106 - Choosing Joy – A Book of Alzheimer’s Hope
April 07, 2020

Most of us see a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s as the beginning of a journey that will be filled with frustration, sadness and possibly worse. There are very few positive stories we can read. But, what if, just by the way we approach caring for our loved o...

105 - You Are The Expert with The Dementia Nurse
March 31, 2020

When it comes to caring for your loved one, do you feel like you are the expert? Do you ever feel like the medical profession has no idea how to handle a person living with Alzheimer’s? Have you had t

104 - Coping for Caregivers in a Covid-19 World
March 27, 2020

Covid-19 has upended our world. As if Alzheimer's weren't bad enough, now we have to contend with more uncertainties than ever! I thought it would be helpful to check in with past guests, see how they're coping and get tips to share. -

103 - Food As Medicine? Dawn Renee’s Caregiving Experiences
March 24, 2020

Can we use food as a medicine?  My guest, Dawn Renee has a compelling story of self-care & recovery. After a debilitating month in bed and a lifetime of chronic illnesses, Dawn believes you can. She has spent the past decade learning from others while ...

102 - Caregiver Stress Reduction Techniques
March 17, 2020

A caregiver's journey is not an easy one. There's stress, frustration, sadness, even anger. There are many ways to cope with these feelings, some good, some not so good. Learning mindfulness from my guest helped me tremendously.
