Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

Tea & Brain Health – A Look at My Favorite Drink
December 31, 2019

  - Tea is my go-to drink every day, every part of the day.  Having read that regular tea drinkers may have better cognitive health I knew I had to do my own research and learn more. I was excited to learn that drinking black tea regularly may give us...

Dementia Dogs for Caregiving
December 17, 2019

Dementia dogs are an asset I wasn't aware of previously.  Having had dogs all my life I was surprised to learn that many breeds make great caregivers for those living with dementia. - A dog trained to be a caregiver can perform many tasks and be a sub...

Medication Adherence & Management
December 17, 2019

  - Medication adherence is a fancy term for taking our medications as they've been prescribed. While adherence is an important part of our health care it is one that is often overlooked. It's too easy to improperly take our medications.

I Love Someone With Dementia so Why am I Losing My Mind?
December 10, 2019

  - When you love someone with dementia it's not uncommon to feel like you're losing your mind too. In this episode, I talk to Beth Friesen about practical tips for coping with this problem. Beth is the author of the book "I Love Someone With Dementia...

Managing Difficult Behaviors
December 03, 2019

One of the biggest caregiver challenges is managing difficult behaviors. People living with memory loss don't realize they're being unreasonable. Difficult behavior is an unfortunate by-product of their disease. -

Caregiving In Harmony
November 26, 2019

Conflict is a natural part of human interaction. As we age, all of us face difficult decisions that affect our loved ones and often bring up strong emotions. Many of us avoid talking about the subject because we are afraid to cause a family conflict or...

Caregiver Grief – A Practical Discussion
November 19, 2019

The loved one you're caring for is still around yet you feel their loss. Some think this is depression but it's actually a form of caregiver grief. It's commonly referred to as anticipatory grief and it's very common when caring for someone with an inc...

Raising An Aging Parent
November 12, 2019

At what point did we become the parent to our parents? For some of us, this transition happened slowly over time. Others have been thrust into the role because of a crisis. Regardless of how the role-reversal happened,

Avoid the Isolation Danger Zone!
October 29, 2019

  - Research has linked social isolation to higher risks of physical & mental conditions; Alzheimer's & death are just two of them.  Becoming isolated frequently happens "naturally" and there are many ways to combat this issue. -

The “Match.Com” of Eldercare
October 22, 2019

When it comes to eldercare we frequently need a partner. Even for those who plan ahead, making decisions for our loved one is a huge challenge. For those living with memory loss, it's nearly impossible to know what they'll need,
