Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

Photo: Dementia's Story (The Bob & Diane Fund)
December 01, 2020

Visual Storytelling can help make complex stories easier to understand. It can deliver more impactful messages. It can make stories as relevant for readers as possible. - Why would someone choose to document visually such a difficult subject as dement...

140 - Keep Your Brain Smart
November 17, 2020

Is there a way to keep our brain smart as we age?  Our brains continue to grow when we challenge them. What exactly should we be looking at in terms of strenuous brain exercise?

139 - Creativity Is Like Chocolate for the Brain
November 10, 2020

Creativity is a lifeline for me. Does having a creative mind help you avoid Alzheimer's? Some research has shown that musicians' brains are more resilient because of the additional neural networks formed while learning their craft. -

138 - Cruising Through Caregiving (w/Jennifer L. FitzPatrick)
November 03, 2020

In the first place, is it even possible to find a way to achieve cruising through caregiving? We all know that being a family caregiver is no vacation. Together with my guest on this podcast episode, we talk about reducing the challenges we face,

137 - Self-Care Is Not Just Bubble Baths & Wine
October 27, 2020

Self-care is more than bubble baths & wine. - Self-care is more than a bubble bath or a glass of wine. Caregivers frequently hear, "you have to take care of yourself," but they seldom hear how to make that happen.

136 - Moving On After Caregiving
October 20, 2020

Most of us don't sign up for caregiving. It happens because of a crisis or slowly takes over more of our day-to-day lives. Eventually, much of our caregiving comes to an end, and then what? When caregiving has been your primary life purpose for years,

135 - Your Brain Has A Superpower
October 13, 2020

Your brain has a superpower - do you know how to activate it? - Do you want to take charge of your brain? Keep your mind healthy and strong for the remainder of your life? Are you aware of how things and people in your life influence your neurological...

134 - Stress & Anxiety Relief through Music Therapy
October 05, 2020

Stress & anxiety relief through music therapy is definitely something you can do at home. There is abundant research that proves listening to music helps to reduce our levels of anxiety.  Anxiety, one

133 - 356 Caregiving Tips
September 29, 2020

One of 5 authors of the books "365 Caregiving Tips" - Not all tips will fit every caregiver, but every caregiver will find tips that fit. Those are the wise words you find when visiting the website, w

132 - Make Grandma Smile – Engagement & Activities
September 22, 2020

Looking for ways to have better visits with my Mom is the genesis of the Fading Memories podcast. After two and a half years, I've learned a lot more about engagement. By learning how to give seniors a purpose and find things they enjoy,
