The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast
Latest Episodes
Leave People With An Impression Of Increase
One of the greatest gifts we can give people, whether that be our sales team, our leadership team, key stakeholders, customers, or even random strangers, is the impression of increase. This is a feeling that they get from having had a conversation with...
Dogs Don’t Bark At Nobodies!!
If you have been in sales leadership for a while, you would have experienced some level of criticism. Often that criticism comes from well meaning people, and often it comes from people who are looking to elevate themselves by putting you down.
Earning The Right To Lead The Sales Team
Many sales leaders believe that when they get the title of 'Sales Leader' they have arrived, and their team will automatically respect them, trust them, and follow them. Nothing could be further from the truth. To become Exceptional Sales Leaders,
Identify And Focus On The Zone Of Genius
As part of their talent acquisition strategy, Exceptional Sales Leaders are very specific in what they look for. It is characteristics that will complement the team and enable the team members to excel in their zone of genius and as a result,
Exceptional Sales Leaders Are Crystal Clear On Their Talent Acquisition Strategy
When it comes to talent acquisition for your sales team, are you very specific in terms of what you are looking for, or do you follow the old formula of placing emphasis on past experience and past results?
The Number One Asset Of Any Business
Too many organisations, especially in times of challenge, take their focus off their number 1 asset - their people. And because of this, often the decisions they make are short sighted and impact that number 1 asset. It almost becomes a vicious cycle.
Exceptional Sales Leaders Don’t Major In The Minors
As sales leaders, we need to be highly protective of our time and focus on the activities that will move the needle forward, and drive momentum for the team. Often though we find ourselves working on things that are not important, nor are they urgent.
Closing The Gap Between Intention And Perception
As a sales leader, have you ever had a conversation with the team, or with a team member, and despite your best intentions for the message, it was not received the way you had hoped? This is a challenge for many leaders,
Exceptional Sales Leaders Don’t Need A Costume
Exceptional Sales Leaders don't need to wear a mask or play a character. They are who they are, which is authentic. And this quality attracts people to them and keeps people with them. If there is one thing that you can hang you leadership hat on,
Capitalising On Moments Of Truth Through Communication
When we find ourselves in those moments of truth, especially with our team, it is critical that we can capitalise on the moment, communicate effectively, and progress forward. Exceptional Sales Leaders will adjust their communication style in these mom...