Dr Reality - Dave Champion

Dr Reality - Dave Champion

Latest Episodes

Ep 1079 – The ‘High Cholesterol Will Kill You’ Narrative Is Collapsing, New Studies Show
December 15, 2023

Dr. Champion discusses the recent release, comparison, and analysis of the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder Study and the Miami Heart Study, along with the profound implications they have for your health and

Ep1078 – SCOTUS To Rule On The Meaning of “Income” In Critical Case! [Moore v US]
December 06, 2023

Dr. Champion revisits the issue of the Supreme Court deciding the meaning of income in Moore v US now that dominant media coverage has created public interest in this critical case. Use coupon code

Ep 1077 – A MUST LISTEN For People Suffering With GOUT or GALLSTONES! Or Your Loved Ones
November 28, 2023

Dr. Champion lays out the facts about gout, gallstones, and gallbladder removal. The facts are very likely NOT what your physician will tell you, including that gallbladder removal can result in a dea

Ep 1076 – Treasury Dept Says Payroll Withholding Is Only For Foreigners With US Income!
November 11, 2023

In this mind-blowing presentation, Dr. Champion shows you using the Secretary of the Treasurys own words that payroll withholding, Form W-4, Form W-9, Form 1099, etc., are ONLY to be used in rela

Ep 1075 – Here’s Your Solution To Mass Shootings In America!
November 03, 2023

Dr. Champion lays bare various truths not media garbage about mass shootings in America, including the solution! There are some unexpected surprises for you in this one! Dr. Champions books are a

Ep 1074 – WHO’s Ghastly New Pandemic Treaty. Is It Time To Start Stacking Bodies?
October 27, 2023

Dr. Champion lays out the key elements of the abomination that is the new World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, slated for a vote in May 2024. More significantly, Dave addresses the actions Ameri

Ep 1073 – Learn How To NEVER Get ALZHEIMER’S and Remediate Dementia!
October 15, 2023

Big Pharma is up to its unethical practices again. This time its about Alzheimers. Dr. Champion cuts through Big Pharmas lies, distortions, and intentional omissions, laying out the true science of

Ep 1072 – This Mass Delusion Is Undermining Our Freedom! Has It Captured YOU?
October 11, 2023

Dr. Champion examines a form of brainwashing that unknowingly affects hundreds of millions of Americans, diminishing their personal liberty. Isaac Asimov and Bertrand Russel talked about it. People te

Ep 1071 – Firearms Ownership Is A Right. Let’s End The Privilege Tax On Guns!
October 06, 2023

Dr. Champion explores the issue that while SCOTUS has declared owning firearms to be a constitutionally protected individual right, the federal government, and now California, impose a privilege tax o

Ep 1070 – Is Musk’s Latest Move Driving X Out Of Business or Is The Media Lying?
September 28, 2023

Dr. Champion explores the claims made by media and repeated by many Americans on social media that Musks latest idea is untenable and will put X (formerly Twitter) out of business. Are those clai