The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

Isaiah’s Song of the Lord’s Vineyard Understood
September 20, 2020

Isaiah saw the symbols of the house of Israel in the metaphor of the “vineyard in a very fruitful hill.” When the vineyard produced wild fruit, he declares “I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard” explaining the apostasy that occurs when the Lor...

Alma’s Baptism of Fire & Call to Sanctify His People
September 15, 2020

Like all prophets since the beginning, Alma received his baptism by fire and the Holy Ghost and immediately turned to preaching the pure doctrine of Christ in hopes of sanctifying his people. Alma’s calling was identical to that of Joseph Smith,

End-time Exodus & Final Gathering of Israel
September 14, 2020

Ecclesiastical and political leadership is rotten to the core with secret combinations who deliver the sleepy gentiles into bondage in the last days. Humble followers of Christ who “take the Holy Spirit as their guide” will be delivered and led on the ...

The LDS Church- Awakening to Our Situation
September 08, 2020

Understanding what happened during Joseph Smith’s day requires investigation and connecting the dots. The fullness of the priesthood was taken from the Saints. However, the Lord still refers to the church as “his house” and he has prepared a way for th...

King Limhi & Ammon- Bondage & Destruction or Deliverance?
September 01, 2020

Bondage and destruction or repentance and deliverance? This is the question of our day. The account of King Limhi’s people details the results of ignoring a prophetic message delivered with power by the Holy Ghost,

False Prophets, Wolves Among Sheep & Men in White Robes
August 31, 2020

The prophet Jeremiah stands with Isaiah and Book of Mormon Prophets warning God’s people in the last days about ravening wolves in white robes, who lead the people of the Lord’s house through darkness, confusion, apostasy and eventually destruction.

Repent & Return, Latter-day Gentiles
August 27, 2020

The horrific sins of the latter-day gentiles (defined as those who had a chance at the fulness of the gospel but rejected it) have led them into bondage in the last days. Ever willing to rescue His lost sheep,

Receiving His Image in Your Countenance
August 25, 2020

Alma asks “have you received His image in your countenance?” The journey of Alma’s people from wickedness to bondage to repentance to righteousness prepared them to receive Jesus Christ. Those who accept his promises,

Alma & Alma – from People of God to Church of Christ
August 18, 2020

Alma led a group of 200 “apostates” (according to King Noah’s corrupted quorum of Twelve) into the wilderness to teach them of Christ and baptize them by water into the preparatory gospel. Alma later received his calling as a true High Priest and led a...

The Arm of Mercy to the Gentiles in the Last Days
August 17, 2020

Despite the stumbling blocks of the gentiles and their rejection of the fullness of the gospel, the Lord extends his arm of mercy to them in the last days. God promised that he will deliver the faithful from bondage,