The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

Abandoning Your False Traditions of the Fathers
November 03, 2020

In coming unto Christ fully, it’s required to acknowledge, repent of and abandon the false traditions we carry. Moses’s Israelites “gave heed to the traditions of their fathers and believed not the gospel of Christ.

The Assyrian King’s Commission to Destroy the World
November 02, 2020

Isaiah prophesied in detail the war between good and evil in the last days. He paints a vivid picture of a great Assyrian king, who rises to power and coerces the nations of the earth into bondage and submission to the evil order.

First Redemption, Then Salvation- Flaming Swords of Mercy
October 27, 2020

Knowledge without faith (seeking a sign) and salvation without redemption (saved in one's sinful state) are both equally damning. God, in His wisdom and mercy figuratively “guards the tree of knowledge with cherubim and a flaming sword.

Seeing the Scriptures with New Eyes
October 20, 2020

Nephi teaches that many "plain and precious truths" were removed from the scriptures. What was removed, and why? Understanding the doctrine of Christ requires us to be familiar with the terms the prophets used to describe the same thing.

Allegory of the Olive Tree & Return of the Servants
October 13, 2020

The mysterious allegory of the olive trees in Jacob 5 can be tough to understand. If one is familiar with the end-time prophecies of Nephi, Isaiah, Jesus and Joseph Smith it begins to make more sense. The servant counsels with the Lord about how to pro...

Lamoni’s Father- 5 Steps to Baptism of Fire & Holy Ghost
October 06, 2020

Aaron taught Lamoni’s father (the Lamanite king) how to come unto Christ and be born of God. The steps were simple, precise and accurate. The king followed these instructions with faith, believing he too could enjoy the baptism of fire and the Holy Gho...

Joseph Smith & A Marvelous Work and A Wonder
October 05, 2020

A “marvelous work and a wonder” is the Lord’s description of His efforts to gather and save his elect from the most severe bondage and destruction plot in history. Joseph Smith successfully laid the foundation of Zion 190 years ago.

Ammon & King Lamoni- A Mighty Change of Heart
September 29, 2020

The story of Ammon and King Lamoni demonstrates what happens when someone believes the doctrine of Christ when taught with power. King Lamoni, his wife and his servants experienced a “mighty change in heart” when baptized by fire and the Holy Ghost.

Isaiah’s Terebinth Tree & Salt That Loses Its Savor
September 28, 2020

In the last days, only a portion of those who have entered into the Everlasting Covenant will endure to the end and avoid destruction, the rest having become “salt that has lost its savor.” Isaiah’s metaphors speak of a terebinth tree being cut down,

Alma, Amulek, Zeezrom & the People of Ammonihah
September 22, 2020

The angel sent Alma back to Ammonihah one last time to finish the job. Alma and Amulek taught highly divisive higher doctrines, separating the wheat from the chaff, then sealed their testimony with a prophecy of destruction to the evil and conspiring N...