The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

Truth is the Pearl of Great Price
December 08, 2020

What is truth? Jesus taught that the truth will “set us free.” The doctrine of Christ can show us how to effectively come unto Christ and receive Him. The symbolism found in Lehi’s dream illustrates the variety of souls participating in this earth life...

Joseph Smith’s Return to the Earth- Part 2
December 07, 2020

A summary of the work to be accomplished during Joseph Smith's return. He redeems the vineyard, overthrows the enemy and finishes the establishment of Zion. He leads the charge in gathering out the faithful saints who avoid deception,

Real Intent & Full Purpose of Heart
December 01, 2020

God can’t be deceived, and we can’t fake our way into any spiritual status. The promises, commandments and conditions of the gospel are all tied to “real intent” and “full purpose of heart.” These are the indications of our true character and desires,

Joseph Smith’s Return to the Earth- Part 1
November 30, 2020

Despite the scoffs of many, prophecies of Joseph Smith’s ongoing ministry until the New Jerusalem prevails are abundant. Joseph of Egypt, Lehi, Nephi, Zenos and Joseph Smith himself wrote many prophecies from the Lord detailing this return of “one migh...

“You Know Me Not” – Getting to Know the Lord
November 24, 2020

Do we know Jesus Christ or do we only believe in Him? Twelve Jerusalem disciples thought they knew Him, but they all abandoned Him when things got difficult. Thankfully, they exercised faith unto repentance and came to truly know Christ,

Preparing for The Second Coming & New Jerusalem
November 23, 2020

Christ will appear to His people in the New Jerusalem, a stronghold for the faithful remnant who resist joining the Babylonian destiny of confusion, chaos, violence and plunder. The saints of God are commanded to prepare for the second coming.

Understanding Nephi’s “I Will Go & Do” With New Eyes
November 17, 2020

Nephi’s famous “I will go and do” one-liner is not the hallmark example of blind obedience to a parent, a prophet, or a religion. Rather, it’s the fruits of one who has put in the time, effort and faith to understand God’s will for themselves,

New Jerusalem & The City of Enoch’s Return
November 16, 2020

Enoch received an everlasting covenant from God, with a promise that the Lord would return to the earth and dwell among the righteous of Noah’s seed. The city of Enoch would be allowed to return to the earth also to assist Joseph in the work of buildin...

Doctrine of Christ- The Same Yesterday, Today & Forever
November 10, 2020

God taught clearly the everlasting covenant since Adam and Eve as the only means of salvation for the human race. The doctrine of Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, as detailed in the dozens of examples throughout scriptural history.

Showdown- King of Babylon vs. End-time Servant
November 09, 2020

A terrifying tyrannical rampage of the King of Babylon will annihilate billions. He will target the notorious saints of God for extermination, who openly defy him and refuse to bow to him. The Lord endows with power and sends His end-time servant to in...