The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

The Twelve Beatitudes & The Doctrine of Christ
January 05, 2021

Jesus’s teachings contain a series of progressive steps (and corresponding blessings) detailing how to come unto Him and become perfected in Him. These are the twelve “beatitudes.” Nephi prophesied “plain and precious truths” would be systematically st...

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them
January 04, 2021

Jesus told his disciples how to discern between true prophets sent from Him and false prophets who are impostors: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” It’s a commandment from Jesus himself to inspect the fruits of those claiming to be prophets among u...

Korihor the Anti-Christ, Zoramites & Preaching God’s Word
December 28, 2020

Korihor's anti-Christ doctrines were gaining popularity among many. Having witnessed its damage tot he faith of many people, including the Zoramites, Alma resolved that "the preaching of the word... had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the pe...

Scriptures & Quotes About the End-time Davidic Servant- Part 2
December 27, 2020

In Part 2 we'll explore more of the prophecies and references to the the Davidic or end-time servant. We explore the righteous branch, the future lines of Ephraim and David and many of the lesser-known sources regarding the details of the end-time serv...

What Are the Glad Tidings of Great Joy?
December 23, 2020

What are these “glad tidings of great joy” delivered by angels? Who received them, and why? What was the message or the news exactly? Who are the wise men and what was their role? What are their names and where are they from?

Scriptures & Quotes About the End-time Davidic Servant- Part 1
December 22, 2020

A servant will deliver the Lord's people from bondage in the last days. Where does it say that in the scriptures? What was said about it in church history, and by whom? How are we supposed to recognize the Davidic servant? When is he coming?

The People of Ammon & The Doctrine of Christ
December 21, 2020

The people of Ammon experienced the preaching of one who had the spirit of prophecy and revelation and who taught the doctrine of Christ by the power of God. Some experienced a mighty change and came unto Christ, Others rejected them, spat upon them,

How, When & Why The LDS Churches Were Condemned
December 18, 2020

As warned of in many scriptures, LDS restoration churches fell into condemnation and curse. How did this happen? When did it happen? What does this mean to us, living 190+ years later? And most importantly,

Helping Church Members Become Converted to Jesus Christ
December 15, 2020

Our hearts break for our friends and loved ones who do not yet know the Lord. We try our best to share our witness, but sometimes that only drives people further away. The sons of Mosiah were able to convert thousands of their most ferocious enemies.

Joseph Smith Comes Back to the Earth- Part 3
December 14, 2020

The end-time servant’s return culminates in the establishment of the New Jerusalem. After Joseph Smith comes back and finishes his commission, the Savior returns and receives His people. During the millennial period of peace,