The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

Biblical Teachings of The Doctrine of Christ
February 09, 2021

Historically, many “plain and precious” biblical teachings have been systematically removed from the modern canon. However, one can still find the doctrine of Christ taught in Old Testament, New Testament and apocryphal books,

Secret Combinations, Conspiracy & Men of God
February 08, 2021

An ambitious king enthrones himself over a divided, distracted and confused people via fraud, deceit and false flag operations. The people are led by Captain Moroni, a man capable of shaking the powers of hell forever,

Two Great Commandments & Doctrine of Christ
February 02, 2021

According to Jesus, the two great commandments of “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind, and strength” and “love thy neighbour as thyself” are the greatest of all commandments. But does this excuse one from obedience to all of the Lord’...

The War of Liberty- Alma & Captain Moroni
February 01, 2021

Secret combinations enforced tyranny and appointed wicked and murderous leaders into positions of power. The Nephites only sought to preserve their lands, houses, family, rights, privileges, liberty, and ability to worship God.

Patterns & Parallels for the End-time Exodus
January 26, 2021

What’s coming in the years ahead has been done before. The Lord uses patterns, types, symbols and parallels to teach us, warn us and give us ample opportunity to learn from history. The saints in the latter days have many similarities to the saints in ...

Great is His Joy in the Soul That Repents
January 25, 2021

The “worth of souls is great” and a soul that repents brings joy to God. Prophets teach tirelessly to get the people to be wise about this critical fork in the road: repentance and joy, or bondage and death. Christ’s pleads for us to understand: “I,

Healing Hopelessness Through Jesus Christ’s Atonement
January 19, 2021

Hopelessness, anxiety, depression and despair are all the fruits of darkness. Jesus Christ provided detailed instructions to his prophets regarding how to heal the hopeless and rebirth His believers into new creatures of light, full of faith,

Repentance & The Doctrine of The Atonement
January 18, 2021

Alma’s son Corianton received from his father one of the best discourses on the atonement ever given, after having found himself entangled in sin while a missionary. Alma detailed the delicate balance between mercy, justice and law,

Identifying True Servants & False Servants for Yourself
January 12, 2021

It’s nobody’s job but our own to discern between true servants who serve Christ and those who may “build up churches unto themselves.” Moroni and many others taught us clearly how to “judge righteous judgement” in knowing good from evil.

Born of God- The Baptism of Fire & the Holy Ghost
January 11, 2021

What does it mean to be “born of God?” We must fully understand this pivotal moment in one’s life, where a covenant of lifelong commitment and devotion to God above all else is received and rewarded by the heavens.
