The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of Christ

Latest Episodes

Nephi & Jacob Teach the Doctrine of Christ
August 11, 2020

Nephi’s last writings hit hard on the doctrine of Christ, leaving simple, plain and unmistakeable instructions on how to come unto Christ. Jacob was commanded by Nephi to continue teaching this core doctrine to the Nephites with power and clarity.

Stumbling Blocks to the Latter-day Gentiles
August 10, 2020

In the last days, there are prophecies about the true conversion of the Jews, the Lamanites and some of the gentiles. Nephi and Isaiah outlined the serious state of the gentiles (the LDS church and the restoration branches) in the latter days,

Lehi’s Tree of Life Vision & its Real Meaning
August 06, 2020

Lehi obtained a great vision of the Tree of Life and taught it to his entire family. Nephi believed, but wanted something more: Knowledge for himself. God is able and willing to teach us the way that we can "ourselves, also,

The Separation of the Wheat & the Tares
August 03, 2020

A desolating scourge and judgment will be poured out upon the earth, but the promise of the Lord is that the righteous may be saved “inasmuch as they are willing to be guided in a right and proper way for their salvation.

King Benjamin & Moroni Teach the Doctrine of Christ
July 28, 2020

King Benjamin’s angelic tutoring showed him how his people could be completely reborn as children of Christ and receive their true endowment of the Holy Ghost. Moroni also taught the doctrine of Christ with purity and power,

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Part 7
July 27, 2020

The Abomination of Desolation

Seek This Jesus of Whom the Prophets & Apostles Have Written
July 21, 2020

Moroni boldly declares "I have seen Jesus, and that he hath talked with me face to face." Men of God in every generation have tried to teach the people to come unto Jesus Christ and let Him heal you, convert you,
