Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality

Latest Episodes

“No BS PR”: Redefining PR with Authenticity with Gigi Peterkin of Amplify PR
February 05, 2024

In the world of Public Relations, Gigi Peterkin, founder of Amplify PR, is a trailblazer reshaping the narrative. Fueled by a desire for authenticity, she founded the firm to counter the prevalent practice of crafting stories for those with deep pockets,

Closing Hospitality Gaps with Jennifer Ryan of Croux
January 29, 2024

Jennifer Ryan, the founder of Croux, identified a crucial gap in the hospitality industry during her experience launching a restaurant right before the onset of COVID-19. The challenge of finding flexible staffing solutions became a persistent pain point,

Marqii’s Huge Partnership Announcement with Avi Goren
January 23, 2024

Get to know Marqii CEO Avi GorenIn the restaurant industry, Marqii CEO Avi Goren is a visionary leader, shaping the landscape of digital hospitality through strategic partnerships and groundbreaking solutions. With a unique perspective derived from bo

Prioritizing Community Outreach with Avery Ward of Little Italy Ristorante
January 05, 2024

Avery Ward, the CEO of Little Italy, stands at the forefront of innovation, leveraging cutting-edge solutions to enhance hospitality in the restaurant industry. Recognizing a critical pain point for h

Enhancing the Customer Experience with Kshitiz Sanghi of Voosh
December 30, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of technology and entrepreneurship, Kshitiz Sanghi emerges as a visionary co-founder, playing a pivotal role in the success story of Voosh. With a passion for innovation and a

Building Authentic Connections with Restaurant Owners Uncorked Podcast
December 27, 2023

Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media approach content creation and networking is a testament to the power of authenticity and vulnerability in the digital age.His willingness to look stupid by consistently posting on social media allowed him to connect with

Every Business Needs a Show with Rob Napoli of Omniboost
December 25, 2023

Rob Napoli, Head of Global Commercial and Business Brand at Omniboost, has a unique journey that spans from Iowa to Italy and eventually leading him to New York. With a career steeped in Entrepreneurs

Video Content Made Easy with Nick Capozzi of SpliceVideo
December 18, 2023

Nick Capozzi, co-founder of SpliceVideo, is a visionary in the realm of digital content creation and marketing. In a recent discussion with Shawn Walchef of Cali BBQ Media, Capozzi shed light on the u

The Power of Asking for Help with Jen Hidinger-Kendrick of Giving Kitchen
December 11, 2023

In the bustling world of the food service industry, Jen Hidinger-Kendrick embarked on a journey that transcended mere entrepreneurship. As the Founder of The Giving Kitchen, she aimed to be of service

Embracing the Onboarding Process with Aaron Palacios of Swadley’s BBQ
December 02, 2023

Aaron Palacios is the Senior Director of People Services at Swadleys BBQ. While in his role, he has orchestrated a transformative shift by integrating Restaurant365 across key business functions. Thi
