Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Latest Episodes

Creating Your Life (part 2) Choice ~ Guest, Kristen Tromble
April 09, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show In this second segment of the series, my guest Kristen Tromble and I, will be looking at Choice. What is choice really? What have we been told about choice that is not true? As a result of this, we so often h

Creating Your Life (part 1) Visioning ~ Corinna Stoeffl
April 02, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show In this 3 part series of Creating Your Life, we’ll start with the question What would you like your life to be like? How do we envision something? Is it even necessary in order to create our lives? What do

Addiction – It’s Not What You Think ~ Guest Marilyn Bradford
March 26, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show When we hear the word addiction, where do our thoughts go to? People who get drunk or take drugs. That’s not the only addiction there is. People can be addicted to shopping, to sex, to adrenaline rushes, to

Finding Your Voice in Relationship ~ Guest Sylvia Puentes
March 19, 2018

 Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show How is your relationship working for you? For your partner? Do you have your voice or did you give it up? In that case, would you like it back? Sylvia and I will explore what it may be like to have your voi

Living is Playing, Playing is Living ~ Corinna Stoeffl
March 12, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Read the title and perceive the energies. Are they different when Living is the first word or Playing? Have you decided that life is a serious matter? That’s what I heard a lot when growing up. Is that true

Manipulation ~ Corinna Stoeffl
March 05, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What comes up for you when you hear that word? Are you aghast? Is this something you do not want to look at? I did not like to hear conversations about manipulation. I had the point of view that it was wrong,

Agendas and Lies ~ Corinna Stoeffl
February 26, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Cognitively, we get what agendas and lies are. Yet, have you ever thought about the fact that other people or you have agendas and/or lies present when interacting with people or creating your life? What, me!

Creating Streams of Income (a conversation with Laleh Hancock)
February 19, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show The bills for our holiday purchases have come due now. How many of you gasped and thought I need to make more money? Well, there is the possibility of creating additional streams of income using what you are

Being A Woman ~ Being You ~ Corinna Stoeffl
February 12, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We all have grown up with fairy tales. How have they formed us as women? What are beliefs do we have about the world and our place in it as a result? How much have we adopted religious points of views of wome

Beyond Saving Mother Earth ~ Guest Julie Oreson Perkins
February 05, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Many people desire to save the earth. Can we save the earth? What are we really saying when we talk about “saving the earth”? What is the earth? A planet in the vastness of the Universe or a conscious bei