Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

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Comfortable Distance ~ Corinna Stoeffl
January 29, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What the heck is that? I know, I heard it the first time about 4 months ago and, when explained, it made so much sense. I suddenly understood my struggle with changing certain things and it became so much eas

Finding Your Voice ~ Corinna Stoeffl
January 22, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Finding Your Voice ~ Do you say things with your own words or are you using the words other tell you to say, be it directly or indirectly? How do you talk about your own small business or what is dear to your

Energizing Your Future ~ Guest, Lisa Murray
January 15, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Energizing Your Future ~ This show is an interview with Lisa Murray, the author of ‘Living Beyond Burnout’. Burnout is usually associated with work; Lisa shows how it can also be in other areas of our li

Being A Leader In Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl
January 08, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What the heck does it mean to be a leader in your own life? We’ll explore this by looking at words like leader and leadership. How do they show up in our lives? What are they asking of us? In my experience,

New Year’s Resolutions – Committing to Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl
January 01, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show A New Year and the obligatory New Year’s Resolution; it seems we are starting over, creating a clean slate. How many resolutions have we made and how many of them have we kept? I have had my share of them.

Being Peace ~ Corinna Stoeffl
December 25, 2017

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What does it mean to be peace? What is required for being peace? Today is Christmas Day and we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and Peace on Earth. What do we mean with this? We have fought wars to end all

Awareness – What is it?~ Corinna Stoeffl
December 18, 2017

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Awareness, often misidentified as gut feeling or intuition. What is the difference between them? Are there times when we are not aware? What does it mean to cut off our awareness? I vividly remember a situati

What’s Your Safety Net? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
December 11, 2017

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What's Your Safety Net? What do you require to feel safe? Do you have a definition of who you are? Do you plan ahead? Do you attempt to control situations or even other people? I planned ahead and controlled

Caring – What is it Really? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
December 04, 2017

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What does it mean to care? Is this really caring or is it superiority? Being spiritual, it was important for me to care. Caring is part of who I am. Yet my view on caring has changed a lot, realizing how supe

Gratitude ~ Corinna Stoeffl
November 27, 2017

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We just celebrated Thanksgiving. What were you grateful for? Gratitude is the antidote for so many things. Gratitude and judgment cannot exist in the same space. Gratitude contributes to your happiness. Grati