Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

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Being in Allowance of Oneself ~ Corinna Stoeffl
June 18, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What does it mean to be in allowance of oneself? Does it mean I can anything I want to? No, allowance is not a free pass for everything. First of all, it means not judging oneself. Allowance for oneself also

Your Point of View Creates Your Reality ~ Corinna Stoeffl
June 11, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Or does reality create your point of view? Which way is it? When I was pregnant, I saw so many more pregnant women and women with newborns in a stroller. I am told guys who really like a specific car tend to

Getting Out Of Expectations And Conclusions ~ Corinna Stoeffl
June 04, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We all know that having expectations sets us up for disappointments. The same is actually true for conclusions too. So what does it take to get out of having expectations and conclusions? What tools do we ha

Problems Anyone? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
May 28, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Do you have problems? We all have problems, right? What if there is a different way to look at problems? I have heard a friend say: “A problem is a possibility with a judgment attached.” How does that lan

Whose Reality Are You Living? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
May 21, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Do you look outside of you to find out what is real for you or do you live your values and what is important to you (your reality)? Put in a different way; do you look from the outside in or from the inside o

Are You Creating or Destroying Your Life? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
May 14, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show On the other side of the move, there were more decisions to make about letting go or keeping. One way I dealt with this is asking the question: Is keeping this destroying or creating my life? Or in other word

Moving ~ Uprooting Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl
May 07, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show I just moved to another state. There are so many aspects to a move. How much does one accumulate during almost 12 years in a place? What do I let go of and what do I keep? What’s the impact of relationships

Projections, Expectations, Separations, Judgments And Rejections, PESJR ~ Corinna Stoeffl
April 30, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show PESJR, that’s a strange collection of words. What do they have to do with each other? Actually, all of the PESJR's are contributing to stress , to frustration and to limitations in our lives. We’ll look

Being in Relationship with the Earth ~ Corinna Stoeffl
April 23, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Are you in relationship with the earth? What does that look like for you? What do you do to maintain that relationship? Does the earth want to be in relationship with you? Can she be in relationship with you?

Creating Your Life (part 3) Actualizing Possibilities ~ Corinna Stoeffl
April 16, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We talked about Visioning and Choice in this series on Creating Your Life. In this last segment, we’ll look at actualizing the possibilities that we perceived as a result of choices we’ve made. We’ll ta