Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

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Being Comfortable ~ Corinna Stoeffl
August 27, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show How much do we value our comfort. And I am not talking about the comfort of a bed that gives us a good night’s sleep. I am talking being comfortable by not challenging ourselves, by not pushing the envelope

Distractors to Living Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl
August 20, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Let’s look at some things that are actually distracting us from fully living our lives. We might be able to see that anger and its various intensities of rage, fury and hate are doing this, but who would th

Loosing Definitions ~ Corinna Stoeffl
August 13, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show How many definitions do we have? And are we even aware of them? A few weeks ago, Kristen I and talked about the definitions we have around personality. If we are present and look really closely, we can get a

Judgment Revisited ~ Corinna Stoeffl
August 06, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We are surrounded by judgment. Advertising is telling us how things should be. Society tells us who we should be and how we should behave. Should, should, should. How much judgment is hiding behind this? And

Is Your Body a Contribution to You? ~ Guest, Julie Orson Perkins
July 30, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We all have bodies. How many of us do acknowledge the body? Do we ask it what it would like to eat or what it would like to wear? Or do take care of it and troubleshoot as we would with a car? Bodies will do

Relationship with the Earth ~ Corinna Stoeffl
July 23, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Do you have a relationship with the earth? What a strange question? We live on the earth yet have no special connection to her. We use her and abuse her. What might change if we had a relationship with the ea

Beyond Personality ~ Guest, Kristen Tromble
July 16, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show I have Kristen Tromble back as a guest. This time we’ll have a conversation about personality. Do you have a definition of who you are, what your personality is? Is this fully yours or have you been given t

What Mask Am I Wearing Today? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
July 09, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What do you do every day? Do you operate from persona or image? What’s the difference you may ask? Persona is who you are and image is based on a decision you make that you would like to portrait a certain

Serious or Silly ~ Corinna Stoeffl
July 02, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Recently, I had a short conversation with 2 friends about serious and silly. What are your definitions for both of them? We also looked at the difference between silly and humorous. What if it is not an eithe

Your Body: a Friend or a Foe? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
June 25, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What’s your relationship with your body? Do you ask it for its input, listen to what he says or do you ignore it, consider it a slab of meat that is of no use? Is your body a friend, or is it a foe? How doe