Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl

Latest Episodes

Abundance with Your Body ~ Guest Helen Gitlevich
November 05, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show What is abundance to you? Is it more than just money? How could you have abundance with the body? And what would that mean to you? How would it show up in your life if you had abundance with your body? Could

The Elegance of Living ~ Guest Chris Hughes
October 29, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Do you know what you would like your life to look like or be like? When you go shopping, do you just buy stuff or are you looking for something that will add to your life? What does elegance mean to you? Is t

Being Rich or Being Wealthy? ~ Corinna Stoeffl
October 22, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Do we mean the same when we say someone is rich and someone is wealthy? Or is there a difference? What is actually the difference between rich and wealthy? Interestingly, when you google the words, the one sh

Gratitude ~ Corinna Stoeffl
October 15, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Are you aware that your life gets so much ‘richer’ when you have gratitude. This is definitely true for me. What do I mean with ‘richer’? What, when you are full of gratitude, you look at anything in life wit

What you Resist, Persists!
October 08, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show We all have heard this saying: What you resist persists. Is it true and, if so, what makes it true? Basically, we extend energy towards what we resist and that feeds it, makes it more permanent, solidifies it

Pragmatic Psychology with Guest ~ Susanna Mittermaier
October 01, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show “What if the things you call a wrongness, crazy, and insane are exactly the tools to access your happiness and the joy you be?” Susanna Mittermaier, a psychologist, looks at mental illness in a completely dif

The Freedom to Choose ~ Corinna Stoeffl
September 24, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Are you completely free to make a choice? If you would have asked me that question a few years ago, even a year ago, I would have said yes in a heartbeat. Today, I am so much more aware of all the things that

From Dying to Flying ~ Corinna Stoeffl
September 17, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Are you living or are you dying? I was shocked when I was told by a friend: Stop dying! I was not dying! And yet, as I stayed with it and explored it, I found out that death was my backdoor through which I co

What is Your Story For The World? ~ Guest Keisha Clark
September 10, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show Do you have a story about a part of your life you like to tell? Do you enjoy telling it? Is it the story that gets told again and again? It is interesting that we have a particular aspect of our live we tend

Separation ~ Corinna Stoeffl
September 03, 2018

Dancing Your Life ~ Corinna Stoeffl Radio Show How much are we separating from others? Are we even aware that we are doing it? And how much are we separating from ourselves? What!!! Separating from ourselves? How are we doing that?And why would we do it?