Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 20: 10 Intuitive Eating Principles
June 30, 2010

In this podcast, we discuss the 10 Intuitive Eating Principles presented in the wonderful book, Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA. As you may know, both Blythe and I are big proponents of mindful eating, and I felt

Episode 19: Getting Leverage on Yourself for Lasting Weight Loss
June 15, 2010

In today's podcast we will discuss leverage, what it is and how to use it to develop a lifelong habit of health and fitness! We believe that 75% of the picture, as it pertains to weight loss, is psychology. Today, we explore the psychology of making chang

Episode 18: Exercise for Fat Loss - The New Metabolic Effect Diet
May 27, 2010

In this episode, we take a field trip to Dr. Ray's weekend radio program, Your Prescription for Health, for an interview with the authors of the book, The New Me Diet. Dr. Jade Teta and Dr. Keoni Teta lay out their plan for building a lifestyle that turns

Episode 17: Exercise for Fat Loss - Part 1
May 17, 2010

Exercise is like antibiotics; just like different infections call for different drugs, different fitness goals call for different exercises and fitness prescriptions. In this podcast we will: Teach you an amazing technique for resetting your stress lev

Episode 16: Aerobic Exercise on Trial - Does Aerobic Exerise Promote Weight Loss
May 03, 2010

Practically every "weight loss authority" out there recommends aerobic exercise as a foundation to any weight loss program. After all, it does make sense, burn more calories than you consume and you will lose fat. I have a question, "How is that working o

Episode 15: Becoming a Weight Loss Expert - What We KNOW About Weight Loss
April 26, 2010

Blythe and I are always talking about how important it is for each person to become an expert in fitness and fat loss. We believe that the more you know about how your body works, the better able you will be to be able to develop a successful weight loss

Episode 14: Fasting for Weight Loss. Using Fasting as a Tactic to Burn Fat
April 13, 2010

We have been receiving many questions around using fasting as a tool for fat loss ever since we mentioned it in the episode, "17 Reasons Why You Are Not losing Weight". In this podcast, we discuss using fasting as a tactic for improving fat loss or just b

Episode 13: Destroying the 7 Weight Loss Obstacles in Your Life
March 17, 2010

Getting started with weight loss is not a problem for most people. The real issue for many people who are looking to cut the fat and lose the weight is something derails their efforts causing them to lose momentum. In today's podcast, we will cover the 7

Episode 12: 10 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Starting an Exercise Program
February 23, 2010

What if I had a crystal ball that could determine if you will succeed with your exercise program for weight loss? Well, admittedly this crystal ball does not exist; there is, however, a series of ten questions that will determine your readiness and thus y

Episode 11: 17 Reasons That You Are Not Losing Weight
February 08, 2010

Recently I read a blog post on which discussed 17 reasons why people are not losing weight and I felt it would be a great topic for us to discuss on our podcast. In this podcast, Blythe and I go through each of the 17 points and give