Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Cut The Fat Weight Loss Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 30: Mailbag – Questions and Answers
November 03, 2010

In today’s podcast, we answer your questions from Facebook. How should you eat if you are vegetarian? Will eating low carbohydrate cause hypoglycemia? Which is better Weight Watchers or Low-Carb? And more…

Episode 29: The 12 Principles of Fat Loss Part II
October 26, 2010

In this episode we continue our discussion on the 12 Principles of Fat Loss. As we continue to discuss these weight loss principles you should be thinking, “how can I implement these principles into my life.” Download Standard Podcast

Episode 28: The 12 Principles of Fat Loss – Part I
October 07, 2010

In this episode of Cut the Fat Podcast we will go through the 12 Principles of Fat Loss from our group weight loss program. This episode will introduce you to the first six of twelve principles of weight loss and then we will give you the last six princip

Episode 27: The 8 Reasons Why We Fail Our Weight Loss Programs
September 12, 2010

We believe that we learn more from our failures than we do from our victories. Tony Robbin always says, when we succeed, we party; when we fail, we ponder. In this podcast, we will be discussing an email post by Tom Venuto, titled "The 8 Reasons We Fail O

Episode 26: Activity Versus Exercise - The Debate for Weight Loss
August 29, 2010

Most people believe that there is no different between exercise and activity; after all, both terms describe movement and caloric expenditure. In this episode, we describe the difference between exercise and activity for weight loss. Just like food is inf

Episode 25: The Primal Blueprint Interview with Mark Sisson
August 13, 2010

One of my favorite books on the subject of paleolithic living is the book, The Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson. We had the opportunity to interview Mark on my weekly radio program here in Baltimore; I found the discussion both educational and entertainin

Episode 24: The 6 “Re’s” of Preparing Your Life for Weight Loss Success
August 09, 2010

In this podcast we take you on another field trip to Dr. Ray's radio show, Your Prescription for Health, where he and Blythe discuss the 6 "Re's" of preparing your life for weight loss success. Most people start by going right to the action steps of weigh

Episode 23: The Missing Secret to Lasting Weight Loss
July 30, 2010

We are really proud of episode 23, as it teaches you a principle that can be immediately used to achieve amazing results with weight loss. In fact, this one principle can be applied to any goal that you have to speed the accomplishment of that goal, no ma

Episode 22 - The Miracle Workout: An Exercise Tactic for Burning 3 Times More Fat
July 22, 2010

I am excited to post this podcast on an exercise tactic called, "Integrative Body Conditioning", which was developed by Dr. W. Jackson Davis at the University of California at Santa Cruz. Using this tactic, he was able to super charge weight loss, simulta

Episode 21: Facebook Questions Answered
July 13, 2010

In today's podcast we will answer some of the questions that were left for us on our Facebook Page. 1. Why doesn't the scale move even though I am losing inches? 2. Can I eat a big chicken dinner everyday and still lose weight? 3. What are the two reas