Counter Apologetics

Counter Apologetics

Latest Episodes

CA125 The Moral Argument for God
December 18, 2023

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And morality. The standard moral argument popularized by William Lane Craig and others goes as follows: (1) If God does not exist, objective mo

CA124 Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Conversion to Christianity
November 20, 2023

Ayaan Hirsi Ali recently announced her conversion to Christianity. But has she only adopted a form of cultural Christianity? I examine her reasons for becoming a Christian and draw some parallels betw

November 18, 2023

I recentlyasked for your questions, and I posted my responses on YouTube here. We touch on compatibilism, NDEs, aliens, euthanasia, abortion, death anxiety as an atheist, idealism, incest, Islam, Mor

CA123 Christian Universalism w/ Andrew Hronich
October 14, 2023

Im joined by Andrew Hronich, author of Once Loved, Always Loved: The Logic of Apokatastasis. We discuss universal reconciliation, eternal conscious torment, annihilationism, and much else! Watch the

Where New Atheist Epistemology Goes (Very) Wrong – Interview on Adherent Apologetics
September 05, 2023

Heres my appearance on Adherent Apologetics to talk about the recent series of Counter Apologetics episodes on epistemology. Where New Atheist Epistemology Goes (Very) Wrong | @EmersonGreen | Ep. #25

Debate: Is God Finite?
September 05, 2023

Alex Strasser (Protestant) and John Buck (Catholic) debate the merits of finite theism, the view that God is limited in power. Theistic finitism is less vulnerable to the problem of evil than perfect

CA122 Substance Dualism w/ Michael Huemer
August 27, 2023

Dr. Michael Huemer joins me to defend interactionist substance dualism, the view that the mind and body are composed of different substances and can exert causal influence over each other. Knowledge,

CA121 Encountering Mystery w/ Dale Allison
August 13, 2023

Today Im speaking with Dr. Dale Allison, historian and author of many books, including The Resurrection of Jesus, The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus, and our subject today, Encountering

Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence
June 28, 2023

Today, I defend the controversial idea that ordinary and extraordinary claims dont require the same evidence. Linktree

CA120 Debate: Limited vs. Unlimited God
June 27, 2023

LDS Philosophy and Dry Apologist join me for a debate on the nature of God. We compare the virtues of a limited model of God versus a model on which God is unlimited in power, as well as simple, impas