Counter Apologetics

Latest Episodes
Philip Goff’s Conversion to Christianity
Wediscuss Philip Goffs conversion, the online reaction to it, and what his heretical Christianity involves. Is he a realChristian? What does he think about the resurrection, the ascension, the mi
The Moral Argument for God – Have I Been Debunked?
Two Christian apologists reviewed my series on the moral argument for God on their channel, Democracy of the Dead. I recorded my own counter-response shortly thereafter, but thought it was too profani
CA132 From Atheism to Agnosticism (w/ Adherent Apologetics)
Zac (Adherent Apologetics) and I explore a few of the things that drew me to agnosticism. Religious ambiguity, disagreement among epistemic peers, the diversity of the theistic tradition (as well as t
Losing My Religion – with Fuad Abdullah Harahap (@fubilosophy)
Im interviewed by Fuad Abdullah Harahap (@fubilosophy) about my deconversion, the sad state of Christian apologetics, my issues with the skeptic community, free will, the afterlife, agnosticism, and
CA131 What would convince you?
What would convince you of Gods existence? Specifically, the Christian God. What would change your mind and cause you to convert? I name three things: Christian aliens, miracles, and religious experi
CA130 Am I Agnostic?
The world is religiously ambiguous: It can be interpreted in various incompatible ways, and the interpreters are not necessarily violating any standards of rationality in doing so. As for me, I dont
CA129 Universalism Debate: John Buck vs. Emerson Green
Returning guest John Buck joins me to debate universalism, eternal conscious torment, and other topics related to hell and the afterlife. My Playlist on Hell Linktree
CA128 No, math does not prove God
I respond to the wildly popular Redeemed Zoomer video about proving Gods existence with math. To see the open hangout that took place afterwards, you can watch the original livestream (unedited with
CA127 What’s wrong with the moral argument?
We wrap up our series on the moral argument for theism, summarize several problems with the argument famously associated with William Lane Craig, and discuss two other moral arguments for God that are
CA126 Euthyphro’s Revenge
Today, we continue our series on the moral argument for theism. We discuss the Euthyphro dilemma, Humes Law, and explore a back-and-forth between William Lane Craig and Michael Huemer on the question