Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 195 Trump Demands Lower Interest Rates; Krugman's Head Explodes
June 28, 2019

Krugman is horrified at Trump's pressure on the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates. Yet he thinks a case can be made for doing precisely that. What is Krugman to do? Show notes for Ep. 195 -

Ep. 194 Elizabeth Warren Has Some Great Ideas
June 22, 2019

Krugman is very impressed by Elizabeth Warren, who he thinks has a whole bunch of very good, detailed policy proposals. This is precisely what the world needs more of, he says: public policy proposals based on the best scholarly literature. He proceeds to

Ep. 193 How Dare Trump Criticize Britain's National Health Service
June 15, 2019

Krugman is horrified that Donald Trump has been critical of the National Health Service (NHS) in Britain. Why, the NHS is doing a great job! We put Krugman's arguments under a microscope. Show notes for Ep. 193 -

Ep. 192 Your Deepest Questions About the Fed Answered
June 07, 2019

We do another Q&A episode this week, a good portion of which revolves around the Federal Reserve: the best ways to undermine it, how we might transition away from it, whether a reckoning has to come even if the Fed never raises interest rates, and a lot m

Ep. 191 Krugman Admits Hurting Trump Better Than Helping the Country, When It Comes to Infrastructure
June 02, 2019

Bob flies solo to point out a shocking admission in Krugman's column: He actually thinks Democrats are lucky that Trump backed out of an infrastructure deal, even though Krugman also believes the deal would have helped the country. Bob goes on to explain

Ep. 190 Universal Basic Income, Trade Deficits, and Other Areas of Confusion
May 25, 2019

Bob and Tom take some outstanding and very important and helpful listener questions in this episode, such as: what is one legitimate contribution a Keynesian has made? Can trade deficits be bad? What are the best critiques of Austrian economics you've hea

Ep. 189 The Truth About Trump and the Tariffs
May 19, 2019

The issue of international trade is not a simple one of a difference of opinion: Trump genuinely appears not to understand the subject. We sort it all out in this episode. Show notes for Ep. 189 -

Ep. 188 Trump's Economy Proves Keynesianism is Right, Says Krugman
May 10, 2019

After having predicted that the election of Trump would lead to economic hard times as far as the eye could see, Krugman's new line is that of course the economy is strong: federal deficits have been driving it! Show notes for Ep. 188 - https://contrakrug

Ep. 187 It's OK for Bernie to Be Rich Because He's Not Evil
May 04, 2019

Krugman addresses the claim that Bernie Sanders, who until recently had been railing against "millionaires and billionaires," is a hypocrite since he's now a millionaire himself. Krugman proceeds to explain that among the super rich, most are right-wing a

Ep. 186 Krugman Finally Mentions Mueller -- and It's Straight Outta Orwell
April 27, 2019

Had the Mueller report truly vindicated Krugman, we can be certain his victory-lap column would have come swiftly. Now that he's finally gotten around to mentioning it after a curious delay, he's jumping on the bandwagon of the Orwellian "Mueller proves w
