Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

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Haven't started back at school yet? Here's how we're doing in the South.
September 02, 2020

In Episode 165 of Class Dismissed we want to give you a preview of how in-person class is going here in Mississippi. Co-host, Kristina Pollard has been working with students for over a week and she'll share whether or not her return to the classroom w...

How do we help the ones who are presumably doomed to fail?
August 25, 2020

One of the greatest challenges to teaching is not knowing if you're making a difference in a child's life at the time. More than likely, you are, but it can sometimes be difficult to see the impacts in realtime. 

Steps to humanize your classroom from a distance
August 19, 2020

When it comes to education in the Fall of 2020, it's clear that little will be uniform. Some schools are trying to open in person, some elected for the hybrid model, and others will be 100% remote. Last spring, in record time,

Will COVID-19 cause us to rethink school design?
August 11, 2020

Better and Safer The world is racing for a vaccine to COVID-19. If we're lucky, we'll have one in late 2020 or early 2021. But what if we're not? What if living with COVID-19 is something we have to adjust to longterm?

Why students need to see a reflection of themselves in a book
August 04, 2020

“What does it mean if you never see yourself in a story?” – Jennifer Buehler “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a beautiful story, and it is one of the most commonly taught books in the secondary curriculum. But educator, Jennifer Buehler,

Meet the teacher determined to keep school assemblies alive
July 28, 2020

Is there a student anywhere in the world that doesn't love a school assembly? You know, that moment, your principal fires up the intercom and announces that we're all headed to the auditorium to be entertained and inspired. Unfortunately,

How COVID-19 magnified the inequities in Special Education
July 21, 2020

Nathan Levenson, a former school superintendent, has consulted with hundreds of districts about ways to improve special education. But in March of 2020, the challenges surrounding special education became magnified by COVID-19.

How to lay an energetic foundation on the first day back to school
July 07, 2020

Starting on the right foot On the first day or two of school, it can be tempting to want to lay the ground rules. You know, set the expectations about workload, go over the rules, and fill out the required forms.

Will there be enough substitute teachers in the Fall?
June 30, 2020

Well before COVID-19, school districts were facing a substitute teacher shortage. In fact, EdWeek Research Center recently teamed up with Kelly Education and found that districts can fill just 54% of the 250,000 absences each day. Now,

Can schools help overcome the disadvantage of poverty?
June 24, 2020

Inequitable from the starting line When illustrating the need for systems of support in our schools', Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor Paul Reville uses an example close to his heart; his daughter.