Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Latest Episodes

Making employment central to educational offerings
June 16, 2020

Higher Education's Return on Investment? We often think of higher education as being the place that preps us for our future career.  But is this the focus of colleges and universities? Are students finding work related to their degree right after gradu...

Why it's crucial to make an "emotional deposit" with students
June 09, 2020

Connecting with your students CJ Reynolds admits that there are a lot of things that he has to focus on to be a better teacher. Some tasks are a struggle for him, like creating content, quickly responding to emails, and doing paperwork.

SAFETY LIST: What should educators request before returning back to school?
June 02, 2020

How can educators feel safe? Educators in Palo Alto, California, have created a list of demands to be met before they return to the classroom. I have to admit, when I first read the headline, "Palo Alto teachers list COVID-19 Safety Demands before retu...

Districts reveal their Fall 2020 reopening plans. Are there any good options?
May 26, 2020

What's the right move? A few school districts around the country are giving us a glimpse of what school may look like come August and September of 2020. West Bloomfield school district in Michigan announced its plans to have a mix of in-person and rem...

Why these educators take a bus ride through their students' neighborhood each year
May 19, 2020

"If you don't understand how to reach a child, your intellect and your content knowledge will mean nothing." As an educator, it's sometimes difficult to know the challenges their students face outside of the classroom.

Could COVID-19 force high schools to be more like college?
May 12, 2020

Half-time high school? Back in March, when schools closed their doors and began aggressive distance learning, there was a belief that life would return to normal in just a few months. But now it's mid-May, and our risks to coronavirus have hardly impro...

New documentary highlights teacher burnout
May 05, 2020

A teacher's passion. A musician's voice. A family's journey. Special education teacher Konrad Wert was a great teacher. In fact, he was awarded Teacher of the Year for his district in 2012. But like many educators,

Navigating COVID-19 in Fall 2020. What steps will schools take?
April 28, 2020

Staggered Schedules, Looping, more Social Emotional Learning? School districts around the globe reacted with lightning speed to modify learning during the onset of COVID-19, but they're now turning their focus to how they can safely reopen in the Fall ...

There are several foundational reading skills, so why does phonics get all the attention?
April 22, 2020

Heidi Mesmer is challenging educators to think big when it comes to reading comprehension. Mesmer, a professor of literacy at the Virginia Tech School of Education, says there are many foundational reading skills. Such as print concepts, fluency,

Lights, camera, action - How to quickly set up a home teaching space
April 14, 2020

Teachers, professors, educators, and instructors are suddenly in a place where they need to teach from home to their students. Actor and Voice talent, David Lawrence XVII decided to create a free digital course designed specifically to educate teacher...