Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

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Tackling "fake news" in the classroom without being political
December 01, 2020

How educators can navigate media literacy in a politically charged environment? Let’s face it. We've been living in a politically divided country. On Twitter, President Donald Trump listed the New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS,

Jennifer Serravallo's strategies for connecting with students online
November 19, 2020

Typically, authors write books with the hope that their words will live in perpetuity. Texts that will be read and analyzed for decades to come. But in July of 2020, best-selling author Jennifer Serravallo began writing a book that she hoped would have...

Learning from students experiencing trauma
November 11, 2020

"It's so important to realize that when you're working with kids, almost nothing they do is about you. It's about them because their job is to grow up and it's hard and it's heavy." - Carol Ann Tomlinson -

During a challenging school year, Global School Play Day may be exactly what we need
October 29, 2020

One day to take a deep breath and play For six years now, the first Wednesday in February has been designated as Global School Play Day. On February 3rd, 2021, schools worldwide will pledge to allow students to spend an entire day playing with their...

Now more than ever, educators deserve wellness rooms for themselves
October 20, 2020

We’ve seen wellness and mindfulness rooms for students, but this public school decided to create one for their teachers. The challenges educators are tackling during the COVID-19 pandemic are extraordinary.

Harvard Professor: Here's how to bring empathy and SEL into your classroom
October 07, 2020

In K-12 education, there's a strong push for STEM education. It's for good reason, math and science are important. But where should social-emotional learning rank? Psychiatrist Helen Riess, MD, believes we're in a society that's ill-equipped to talk ab...

How should history teachers' react to Trump's 'patriotic education' push?
October 01, 2020

In mid-September President, Donald Trump gave a speech blasting what he called "Left-Wing Indoctrination" in history classes. During the event at the National Archives, the president said "We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and o...

Six tips for effective remote math instruction
September 24, 2020

Adam Lavallee says a lot of math teachers are unsure as to how to start virtual learning. So the Pennsylvania teacher/learning design coach put together six ideas that can help educators get started. Lavallee's checklist has been featured in the Mar...

Making the Case for the Liberal Arts
September 16, 2020

Liberal Arts in Crisis? You don’t have to look hard to find news stories and books questioning the value of higher education. Bryan Caplan recently published “The Case Against Education – Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money.”

How a K-12 software company built contact tracing and quarantine reports into their existing software.
September 09, 2020

In much of the South, public school has been back in session for weeks. School admins are already implementing in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning while simultaneously navigating flareups of COVID-19 in their classrooms.