Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Latest Episodes

Contact tracing at school? There's a tool for that.
August 25, 2021

Many schools are already back in session for the Fall of 2021. However, the Delta variant appears to have its own agenda. Thus far, in the south, thousands of students have been forced back into virtu

Reflecting on almost 200 incredible interviews
August 17, 2021

Our 200th Episode! It's Episode 200 of the Class Dismissed Podcast! Over the past four years, we've shared stories of inspiring educators around the country, and today we're reflecting on some of our

Olympic Gold Medalists Honors Former Teacher on the Medal Podium
August 06, 2021

Over the past few weeks, U.S.A. swimmer Caleb Dressel proved to be a dominant force at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. As it turns out, he credits much of his mental success to his former math teacher. - If

Meaningful Social Emotional Learning - Where to begin?
July 28, 2021

If there's one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has made clear for educators, it's that Social-Emotional Learning needs to play a critical role in the education of our children. But transitioning to a

One way to assess spacial reasoning, creativity, and persistence
July 19, 2021

Can you measure what matters? When companies look for employees, they look for candidates that are curious, creative, and persistent. So logically, these are the skills we should be teaching and measu

How to make class participation the norm
July 07, 2021

There's little doubt that when students engage in classroom discussions, they're going to learn more. So for many teachers, it makes complete sense to find ways to motivate students to participate in

How to become a "conflict agile" school leader
June 18, 2021

Constructive Conflict Most school leaders get into education because they want to teach. They want to enrich the lives of their students and create a stronger community. However, those in administrati

How your school district can prepare for a ransomware attack?
June 10, 2021

Cybersecurity Incidents Strike Often If the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack had a silver lining, it was that it brought worldwide awareness to the fact that ransomware attacks are a costly epidemi

Finding the silver lining in education amidst a pandemic
December 18, 2020

The best of 2020! In Episode 177 of Class Dismissed we reflect on the best things that 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic thrust upon the education ecosystem. - For example, 2020 helped normalize connectivity, renewed a focus on family,

Are Open Educational Resources (OER) right for your district?
December 10, 2020

Each year public schools spend millions of dollars on copyright-protected textbooks. Districts do this even though we now live in a digitally dominated world full of open-sourced books. But there's an alternative. -