Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

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Ep 43: Why this educator reads a novel to his pre-algebra class - Class Dismissed
March 30, 2018

For more than a decade, Joel Bezaire has been reading "The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night-Time" to his pre-algebra students. - The main character in the mystery novel is a 15-year-old boy who has a form of autism and is very gifted in mathem...

Ep 42: How to self-motivate students - Class Dismissed
March 23, 2018

Nick Ambrosino has three decades of teaching experience, and he's well aware of the struggles that come with being an educator. In Ambrosino's books, "Coffee with Ray" and "Lessons with Matt," the main character, Matt,

Ep. 41: Which teacher changed your life and why? - Class Dismissed
March 16, 2018

Our Favorite Question. We've had dozens of teachers, scientists, professors, and authors on the Class Dismissed Podcast. All of our guests have graciously participated in the "Pop Quiz" segment of our show,

Episode 40: Making Science Fun Again - Class Dismissed
March 09, 2018

How can you make science cool?Lynn Brunelle is a four-time Emmy Award-winning writer for "Bill Nye the Science Guy," and she describes her time working on the Nye's show as similar to working for a combination of Mr. Wizard and Saturday Night Live.

Ep. 39: Writing Strategies with Jennifer Serravallo - Class Dismissed
March 01, 2018

When she's not writing her next best selling book, Jennifer Serravallo travels to school districts around the country working as a literacy consultant. Serravallo partners with her clients to develop strategies for reading and writing and they do this ...

Ep 38: Empowering At-Risk​ Students - Class Dismissed
February 23, 2018

For over 30 years Brian Crosby taught upper elementary in Nevada. Many of his students were considered "at-risk". Crosby says many of his students were students of poverty and for others, English was a second language. -

Ep 37: Why Oprah calls her school the best in the country - Class Dismissed
February 08, 2018

Before the Ron Clark Academy was created in 2007, Kim Bearden and Ron Clark already had successful careers. Bearden was a celebrated teacher and administrator in Atlanta and Clark was a rockstar teacher in Harlem.

Ep 35: Let the children read - Class Dismissed
January 25, 2018

Inspiring Educators Through Story

Ep. 34: How to talk to students about fake news - Class Dismissed
January 18, 2018

The ability to consume news on our phones and computers is an incredible tool. With a few clicks, we have access to endless information about current events, politics,  and pop culture. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in August 201...