Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

A New Hope
October 21, 2018

“If you are like me, you often feel like you are wading through the darkness. And when you wade through dark times on a personal level or if you are prone to despair because you are concerned about the moral fabric of our nation falling apart, know that y

Living Boldly in a World of Shame
October 07, 2018

“It doesn’t matter if you are gay or straight or transgender or black or white or brown or rich or poor or ill or healthy. You are a beloved child of God. You are made in God’s very image. You are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.”

The Prophetic Moment: Women Rising Up!
September 24, 2018

“And just like the prophets Huldah, Jeremiah, and Jesus, Christine Blasey Ford refuses to be silenced. She will speak her truth. And when she speaks her truth, she will also be speaking the truth for millions of women and men who have suffered physical an

Remembering 9/11 With Jesus
September 17, 2018

Even Dogs Have a Place at God’s Table
September 09, 2018

And that’s why the Jesus in this story matters to me. I have been formed by cultural prejudices. I have said and done some pretty mean things to people in my life. And you know what? So did Jesus. And like Jesus, and like Isaiah before him, when we put ou

So that You May Live: Staying Present in an Age of Despair
September 03, 2018

These phony controversies and manufactured outrage are the politics of fear and they are meant to keep the news cycle moving so we are distracted from what matters. And what matters? According to Deuteronomy and to Jesus caring for the immigrant and the p

The Day St. Francis Came to Preach
August 27, 2018

While St. Francis of Assisi is revered for his connection to animals, Rev. Adam Ericksen celebrates the dedication Francis had to rebuilding the church in the heart of each and every person.

Jesus Beyond Religion: Anti-Sacrifice, New Atheism, and the Idol of White Supremacy
August 20, 2018

Many of these politicians and political commentators make these sacrificial claims against immigrants in the name of Christianity. Well, I’m here to tell you that they are wrong. Their fear and hatred and sacrificial mentality have nothing to do with Jesu

The Bible Tells the Truth: Heroification, US Politics, and Lies My Teacher Told Me
August 13, 2018

King David is the greatest king of Israel’s history, but the Bible also tells the truth about David’s shadow side. The Bible tells the often beautiful and often tragic truth about our heroes and ourselves.