Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Mother’s Day: A Call to Nonviolence
May 12, 2019

Mother’s Day isn’t just about Hallmark Cards. It has a subversive political history of nonviolence and it is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Book of Revelation is Political: Jesus, Empire, and Immigration in the US
May 05, 2019

The book of Revelation gives us two choices: Live by the Kingdom of God or the Empire of Rome. Revelation reveals that sometimes living in the Kingdom of God means you have to participate in civil disobedience.

The Resurrection and the Doconstruction of Hell
April 29, 2019

Are there religious teachings that we should doubt? Are there religious teachings that have very little to do with Jesus and are actually harmful to our souls? Should we doubt the existence of hell?

The Power of the Left Hand of God – Jesus and the Power of the Spirit
January 27, 2019

“The power of the Spirit does not use the law as an excuse to divide the world into us against them, who is pure and impure, who is included and excluded. The power of the Spirit leads us to work for a world of unity where our mentality is us with them. B

Why Christianity Is Not About Being Good
January 13, 2019

That’s not the point of Christianity. In fact, being “good” can become an obstacle to following Christ. The primary point of Christianity isn’t to make you a good person. The point is that you are loved.

King Herod – Making Israel Great Again
January 06, 2019

“I guess that’s the choice you have to make, isn’t it?  You live by the Kingdom of Herod or you live by the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of hate or the Kingdom of love.” – King Herod the Great

All Flesh Shall See Salvation: Advent as a Political Protest
December 09, 2018

“The light of Advent is a protest against the way the world is. Things are messed up. Things are upside down. But Advent is here to tell us that all the strife, violence, and darkness in the world put together cannot extinguish the light of God.”

The Apocalypse: The Birth of Something New
November 18, 2018

Jesus warns that nation will go to war with nation, there will be earthquakes and famine. In other words, in this apocalyptic scenario, it will feel like the world is falling apart. Can you relate? Well, Jesus offers words of hope. Listen as we explore th

The Spiritual Pattern of Zimzum, Kenosis, and Veterans Day
November 11, 2018

There is a spiritual pattern that animates the cosmos. It’s a paradox that goes like this: the more of something you want in your life, the more you need to give it away.

The Gospel, Politics, and the Risk of Love
November 05, 2018

No matter what happens this Tuesday, God has a mission for us. My ultimate hope is not in politics. My ultimate hope is in God and in our divine mission.