Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Strippers Will Lead Us Into the Kingdom of God Fighting for #OurKids in Mississippi
August 11, 2019

The God of Jesus doesn’t approve of cruel American political policies. The God of Jesus doesn’t approve of ICE separating children from their parents. Because the God of Jesus is serving up a party and everyone is invited. It is God’s good pleasure to gen

St. Francis Preaches on Violence
August 05, 2019

Jesus said “Those who live by the sword die by the sword.” I began to wonder, Christians claim to follow Jesus, who warned that anyone who lives by the sword will die by the sword. So how could Christians live by the sword? We can’t. The time has come whe

God’s Holy Name, False Prophets, and the Politics of The Kingdom of God
July 28, 2019

Jesus prays that the Father’s Kingdom would come to earth. Do you see how politically subversive this prayer is? The King at the time was a man named Herod. It was Herod’s kingdom. The Kingdom of God is radically different from the Kingdom of Herod. It’s

The One Thing: My Dad, City Slickers, and Participating in a More Just World
July 21, 2019

I tell you this because sometimes we can feel alone in this work. But I want you to know that there are churches throughout the world delivering the same Gospel message that we proclaim – God is love. God loves us unconditionally because God loves all peo

God Doesn’t Smite Anyone – Sodom, Gomorrah, and the Nonviolent God of Jesus
June 30, 2019

In the story, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah not because of homosexuality, but because of the way those towns treated people migrating from one place to another. The story says God destroyed the cities because they refused to show hospitality to vulnera

The Politics of Jesus – For the Love of Immigrants
June 23, 2019

Jesus is the Son of God. This is not merely a pious religious statement. This is about a theological and political worldview. In the ancient Roman world, the Son of God was the emperor who ruled the world through violence, coercion, and death. But accordi

God Is She Who Delights in You – Discovering the Divine Feminine
June 16, 2019

How would the world be different if Christians went around saying, “God doesn’t judge you or condemn you for being transgender. God delights in you.”? What if we proclaimed that God doesn’t condemn anyone for being LGBTQ or heterosexual or poor or rich or

Working to End Houselessness with Rich Swift and Vahid Brown
June 09, 2019

“I really wish that in this country, as wealthy as the United State is, that I did not have to be having this conversation about houselessness. I wish it did not exist. But it does.” And we can do something about it. Rich Swift and Vahid Brown talk with u

The Unity of All Things: How To Be One With Jesus, God, and All Humanity
June 03, 2019

Jesus’ prayer is intentionally circular because he wants to make sure that we understand it. God is not out to get us by punishing us or condemning us. God is out to love us. All of us. The unity that Jesus prays for is a unity that’s based on sharing God

Why You Should Run from a Religion that Emphasizes Being Right
May 19, 2019

Religions sometimes make Ultimate Truth claims. What happens when two religions make these claims? We fall into conflict and rivalry over who is right about the Truth. But what if that misses the whole point? For Jesus, the point wasn’t about being right.