Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

#EndGunViolenceSabbath – From the Nightmare of Gun Violence to God’s Dreams of Peace
November 18, 2019

Jesus knew that the way to the radical change that is the Kingdom of God is through nonviolence. When his disciples tried to protect him with the sword, Jesus said to them, “Put your sword back in it’s place, for all who live by the sword die by the sword

Never Lose Heart – Rev. Charlie Hinkle, Guest Speaker
November 10, 2019

The Bible talks a lot about how we should respond when the going gets rough. The prophet Haggai had something to say about that, and so did Jesus. And so does Charlie Hinkle, in his sermon today.

All Saints Sunday
November 03, 2019

Join CUCC as we talk about those ‘saints’ who have influenced our lives.

Why God Does Not Want You To Be Good
October 27, 2019

Religion often tells us that we need to try harder to be good people. You know. Obey the laws. Pay your tithe. Don’t listen to rock music. But what if being good misses the point? What if our religious “goodness” is actually part of the problem? Check out

Practicing What You Preach in an Age of Hostility
October 14, 2019

I want to be upfront and tell you that as a church that is dedicated to our mission of working for a more just and peaceful world through nonviolent action, we’re going to offend some people. We can expect that to happen. And here’s where I’m having a har

Everything You Need to Know about Jesus, Church, and Money
September 22, 2019

Jesus talked about money a lot because he knew that our relationship to money matters. In our passage, Jesus says that you cannot serve God and wealth. In the original language, the word Jesus used for wealth was mammon. Mammon was an ancient “Syrian deit

Climate Justice: Why It’s the Christian Thing To Do
September 15, 2019

One of the great prophets of our time is a 16-year-old girl from Sweden named Greta Thunberg. Greta is a climate change activist who, like Jeremiah, is determined to speak truth to power. This last Friday, Greta was in Washington DC to lead a protest at t

A Stripper and a Pastor Preach the Good News
September 10, 2019

“I started Team Blu because I saw a lot of people who didn’t know how to help and didn’t know how to give. They didn’t know how to flex their power to help other people. And I knew how to do it. … That’s our superpower.” – Blu from #TeamBlu

The Chosen One Chooses Love Over Fear
August 26, 2019

If you look back through history, you will find that 99 percent of these “Chosen Ones” rule their people with the exact same method. They attempt to unite their people against a common enemy. They prop up a minority group as an extremely dangerous “other”