Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Jesus Came to Party: The Spirituality of Mardi Gras and the Kingdom of God
February 23, 2020

There are some Christians who claim that Jesus came to earth to die. I think that’s wrong. Jesus didn’t come to earth to die. He came to earth to show us how to party. To show us how to live in an inclusive community where God’s love flows as abundantly a

Reflections on Oregon’s Racist Heritage | Rev. Charlie Hinkle
February 16, 2020

Racism is generally framed as something that happened in the past and almost always “down south” in cities like Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery. But what about the racism of Oregon? The struggles here were just as intense — though rarely identified in hi

Stay Salty and Shine Your Light
February 09, 2020

Jesus says that you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. That seems like some pretty big expectations! But what if being salt and light is not something that you must achieve by being a supremely good and moral person? What if you already

Blessed Are Those Who Include: Katie Sowers, the Super Bowl, and the Beatitudes
February 02, 2020

In the Beatitudes, Jesus is inviting us to participate in the very life of God. When you allow the divine life to flow through you, you allow God’s steadfast love and mercy to flow through you. Like Katie, we can respond to slights or disappointments by g

Come and See: The Journey with God in a Traumatic World
January 19, 2020

Come and See: The Journey with God in a Traumatic World What do you do when facing trauma? The prophet Isaiah and his people were utterly destroyed by the Babylonian Empire. The Babylonians then forced the Jews in exile throughout their Empire. Jesus and

Baptism Is Not About Sin It’s About Love
January 12, 2020

Baptism is one of those Christian rituals that has a lot of religious baggage. I’ve talked with quite a few of you about being in the process of unlearning a lot of the harmful religious teachings that many of us have grown up with. And there’s quite a bi

The Story of the Magi is Politically Subversive and Anti-War
January 07, 2020

“The Magi are heroes of our faith because they refused to follow the order of a corrupt and violent political ruler of their day. And do you know what we call that? We call that nonviolent civil disobedience.”

Is the Birth of Jesus Just Another Ancient Myth?
December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas! But hey, there are so many ancient myths about miraculous births. Why do we celebrate Jesus’ birth and not the others? Is there anything different about Jesus’ birth story? Check out our latest sermon as Pastor Adam explores these questio

Christmas Pageant 2019!
December 16, 2019

Join us as the Christmas story unfolds during CUCC’s Christmas Pageant!

Repent! Why Many Christians Totally Misunderstand Repentance
December 08, 2019

Do you cringe whenever you hear someone yell “Repent!”? The word “repent” isn’t supposed to make you feel guilty or shameful. That’s a misuse of the word. Repent means “change your mind.” Jesus wants us to change our mind about God. We generally think tha