Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

God Is Not Out To Get You: How the Risen Jesus Transforms Our Understanding of God
April 19, 2020

On the evening when Jesus was resurrected, the disciples locked themselves in a house because they were afraid. Jesus appeared to them and said “Peace be with you.” The disciples needed to hear those words of peace. How many of us today need to hear the w

CUCC Easter Worship – Made Like Christ, Like Christ We Rise
April 12, 2020

Made like Christ, like Christ we rise. Prelude Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen and Amira Stanley Lighting of the Peace Candle – Amira and Adam Adam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light our Christ Cand

Good Saturday Service – Pastor Adam’s Favorite Day
April 11, 2020

Why is Holy Saturday Pastor Adam’s favorite day of the year? It has to do with silence, meditation, and deep breaths. Oh, and Christ the Conquerer of hell. Listen to the Story of Holy Saturday. The post Good Saturday Service – Pastor Adam’s Favorite Day a

Good Friday Service: Jesus is Dead. Darkness Envelops. But the Light Still Shines.
April 10, 2020

We invite you to join us with lighting your own Christ Candle of Peace. Any candle will do. The light of Christ will shine on any candle. Welcome Lighting of the Christ Candle of Peace All: We pray for peacein our hearts,in our homes,in our community,in o

It’s Palm Sunday. Jesus Needs Your Help.
April 05, 2020

Here is our liturgy today. Please feel free to follow along. Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020PreludeWelcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Amira Stanley and AdamAdam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the begi

It’s Scary Out There. Breathe Deeply. We are Together.
March 29, 2020

Prelude Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Amira Stanley and Adam Adam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the beginning of each worship service to center ourselves around the Peace of God. Amira will

God and the Coronavirus
March 23, 2020

“God and the Coronavirus.” Join Clackamas UCC as we welcome our guest preacher, Thomas Jay Oord. Did God cause the coronavirus to teach us a lesson? Is it a punishment from God? What might God be calling us to do in this moment? Check out Tom’s sermon and

God is Greater than COVID-19, But We Still Canceled Church
March 15, 2020

PreludeWelcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle Call to Worship – One: Come, let us join together before God; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! All: Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving! On

For God So Loved Your Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Poor, Rich, Undocumented, LGBTQ Neighbors
March 08, 2020

Back in the day there was a couple whose names were Abraham and Sarah. God blessed them. But not so that they could keep the blessings of God for themselves. God blessed them so that they would share God’s blessings with all the families of the earth. All

Jesus & Satan Walk into a Church …
March 01, 2020

Lent begins with Jesus entering the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. What would it look like if Jesus entered a church to be tempted by Satan? Check out our sermon from Sunday to find out!