Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Bread, Circuses, and Fortnite – An Interactive Sermon
August 04, 2018

From the Roman Empire to the United States, political systems have attempted to distract the masses with food that does not nourish and games that distract people from seeking a more just and loving world.

Make America Care Again
June 25, 2018

Mothers and fathers and children are at the border. And Jesus is at the border with them. They have traveled away from the violent storms in their homeland to the US, only to find another storm waiting for them. But God cares about them. And we care about

How to Defeat the Accuser
June 11, 2018

During his ministry, some people accused Jesus of working for Satan. But what is Satan and should progressive Christians care about this mythological figure from the ancient past?

Immigration Policy, Sabbath Rest, and the Hope for a Better America
June 03, 2018

For Christians who follow Jesus, the law is not meant to be a tool to divide the world into us and them. The law is meant to heal.

Trinity Sunday
May 27, 2018

May 21, 2018

Pentecost! It’s the day the Holy Spirit gave life to the early church and the message of God’s love spread like a flame.

Spiritual Pruning: Racism in America
April 30, 2018

God is often described metaphorically as a gardener in the Bible. God prunes the withered branches of our souls. What are the withered branches in our souls and in our national soul that needs to be pruned? Recent events at a Starbucks and Waffle Houses r

The Art of Being Sheep
April 24, 2018

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but if he’s the Good Shepherd, that makes us his…sheep! Raise your hand if you want to be a sheep…No one wants to be sheep! We don’t want to be mindless followers. But Jesus doesn’t want us to be mindless followers either. Jesu

Jesus, Stephen Colbert and the Resurrected Life
April 16, 2018

Stephen Colbert claims that life is like improv and that improv calls us to respond in new ways of service to others. The Resurrection was the greatest moment of improv in human history. And how did Jesus respond? By reminding his disciples that their mis

Holy Humor Sunday!
April 08, 2018

It’s Holy Humor Sunday! According to one ancient Christian tradition, God pulled off a cosmic practical joke on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Listen in, because it’s a pretty big fish tale!