Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Christmas Eve Service
December 24, 2020

It’s Christmas Eve and this evening we will read the story, light the Advent Candles and the Christ Candle, and listen to beautiful music. Following our service you can watch our online Christmas Carol Sing-Along at this link. Merry Christmas 2020 style!

How to Birth God into the World
December 13, 2020

print bulletin Prelude – Away in a Manger, played by Jean Herrera Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you.   Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen   Lighting of the Peace Candle – Erika Beseda and Adam Adam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a p

Advent: Advent is a Protest Movement
December 07, 2020

Today we will light the Advent Candle of Peace. Advent peace is not a passive sitting back and letting things happen. No. Advent peace is a protest. It proclaims that things are not right. And it works to make things right. Everyone is welcome at Clackama

Advent Hope: God Is Not a Threat. God Is Love.
November 30, 2020

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means “Coming.” Amy will light the Advent Candle of Hope. Advent is a time of preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ at Christmas and for the coming of God every moment of our lives. Everyone is invited. Y

From Individual to National Responsibility
November 22, 2020

Prelude Adam: God be with you.All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Amira Stanley and Jeff PrattAmira: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the beginning of each worship service to

How to Experience God After the Election
November 09, 2020

The theme for worship today is – How to experience God after the election. Yesterday we discovered that the United States has voted in a new President and Vice President elect. Emotions run high after an election. What do we do with them? And how do we di

Calling All Saints and Sinners
November 01, 2020

Print Bulletin Today is All Saints Sunday, when we recognize those who have died before us. We will also celebrate Communion, so we invite you to bring a piece of bread and some juice as we celebrate that everyone is invited to Gods Table. All Saints Day

The Politics of a Christian Nation Are to Love Your Neighbor
October 25, 2020

Sometimes people ask how a church can welcome all these people. After all, doesnt religion cause you to exclude people who dont belong?” In our passage from Matthew 22 at worship today, Jesus says the most important commandment is to love. He makes no exc

The Case for Christian Atheism on National Coming Out Day
October 11, 2020

Jesus tells a parable about a king who throws a party. But theres a problem. Nobody comes! And what does the king do in response? He burns down the whole town. Ouch. Throughout the centuries, many Christians have interpreted this parable as a story of div

Confirmation of The Rev. Tyler Connoley!
September 27, 2020

We are celebrating the installation of our Conference Minister (like a Bishop) here in the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ! The Rev. Tyler Connoley will be officially installed today! He is a wonderful leader who happens to be an