Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Do Not Overly Spiritualize Jesus
September 20, 2020

One of the big problems with American Christianity is that we have overly spiritualized Jesus. From his teachings about the Kingdom of God to his parables to his miracles, American Christianity has trained us to believe Jesus was talking about a place you

Hope and the Apocalypse
September 13, 2020

These times are tough. But together, we are tougher. Fires, pandemics, racism, corrupt politicians. Many are asking, Is this the Apocalypse? Maybe. But hope rises. Because its Portland everyone is stepping up. - Erika Beseda, Clackamas UCC member Prelude

Jesus and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution
September 07, 2020

Today we will hear Jesus’ teachings on nonviolent conflict resolution. Could you use a little conflict resolution these days? We will also celebrate Communion, so we invite you to get a piece of bread and juice (or whatever you’d like). Everyone is welcom

The Gospel and the End of White Christian Power
August 31, 2020

Welcome to Worship! We invite you to prepare your hearts and minds for worship with this prelude music. Prelude Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Ellery and David Palanu

Peter is the Rock. And the Rock is Cracked.
August 23, 2020

In our passage today from Matthew 16:13-20, Jesus gives Peter a new name – the Rock. But Peter is a strange person to name the Rock. Peter is not solid. He repeatedly fails. The Rock has cracks. But maybe that’s the point of Christian spirituality. Like P

Even Jesus Had to Deal with Bias
August 16, 2020

Welcome to worship! Did you know that even Jesus had to deal with cultural bias? No matter who you are, you are invited to worship because the Realm of God is always expanding beyond our human boundaries. For example, some people ask how can any church be

Jesus Proclaims Black Lives Matter
July 26, 2020

Do you know how so much of Christianity is based on excluding others who “don’t belong”? That’s not really Christian. Welcome to worship, everyone. You are loved. You belong.   Prelude   Adam: God be with you.  All: And also with you.   Welcome and Announ

In an Unjust World, You Are Meant to be a Weed
July 19, 2020

You are supposed to be the weed. Jesus tells a parable about a master who sows wheat in a nice and orderly fashion. But someone sowed some weeds. This parable is typically interpreted to mean, “Okay, Christians. Be nice wheat. Stay in line. Don’t disrupt

God is Not a Divine Warrior. God is a Divine Farmer.
July 12, 2020

Throughout human history, we have imagined God as a demanding king or a violent warrior. You have to work really hard to get this kind of god on your side. You know, say the right prayers, believe the right doctrine, even sacrifice something dear to you.

God Is She Who Is Wise. And Calvinism is Wrong.
July 07, 2020

Welcome everyone! Today we will celebrate Communion. All are welcome to the Table. Feel free to get some juice, coffee, or water and some bread or a cookie in preparation for Communion. Prelude Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you. Welcome and An