Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Overcoming Religious Shame
February 28, 2021

Print Bulletin Prelude Adam: God be with you.All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Charlie Hinkle and AdamAdam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the beginning of each worship se

Taming the Wild Beasts
February 21, 2021

Print Bulletin Prelude Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle –  Jeff Pratt Jeff: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the beginning of each worship service to c

Transformational Love
February 14, 2021

God’s Love is Awesome and It Will Challenge You Print Bulletin Prelude – El Shaddai, by Jean Herrera   Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Rae Parker and Adam   Adam: Our

God and the Problem of Suffering
February 07, 2021

Print Bulletin Prelude Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you.   Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen   Lighting of the Peace Candle – Amira Stanley and Vilette Veda Amira: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the beginning of e

Jesus the Healer
February 01, 2021

Print Bulletin Prelude – Wonderous Love, played by Jean Herrera Adam: God be with you. All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Larry Kirk and Adam Adam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace can

Fishers for Humanity: Rethinking Jesus’ Call of the First Disciples
January 24, 2021

Prelude Music by Jean Herrera Adam: God be with you.  All: And also with you.   Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen   Lighting of the Peace Candle – Alexander Johnson and Adam Ericksen Adam: Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the be

Martin Luther King – Come and See Love and Justice in Action
January 17, 2021

Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. We will also hear the story of Jesus calling his first disciples from John 1:43-51. Jesus is from Nazareth, but one of Jesus’ first disciples asks, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Ouch! Well,

Where do you See God Appearing in the World?
January 10, 2021

Today is the first Sunday of Epiphany, the season after Christmas. In the original Greek of the New Testament, the word epiphany means, “manifestation.” The season of Epiphany invites us to open our hearts and minds to where God’s presence is manifesting

The Fundamental Reality of All Things
January 03, 2021

Happy New Year! Many of us have a tradition of watching movies during the New Year, which reminds us that the stories we tell ourselves are so important. The movies, tv shows, children’s stories, and even the news provide us with a story, a worldview, tha

The Christmas Story Continues: Rev. Charlie Hinkle
December 27, 2020

Today we continue to learn about the Christmas story. Mary and Joseph bring the baby Jesus to the Temple after he is born and they meet a man, Simeon, and a prophetess, Anna. Both proclaim the baby will grow to be someone who will dismantle the status quo