Becoming Who You Are

Becoming Who You Are

Latest Episodes

5 Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem in Recovery
March 13, 2017

This is a guest post by Andy. I was born in Medellin, Colombia. Life was dangerous and dodging bullets was a skill you couldn’t live without. Literally. Back in the ‘80s, Medellin was pretty much the most dangerous city in the world.

No Isn’t Always a Complete Sentence—and This Is Why
March 06, 2017

The personal growth world is full of pithy one-liners that appear to summarise the answer to a universal struggle in a single sentence. One of these is “No is a complete sentence.” The problem with these pithy statements is that life ...

#108: 5 Ways to Inspire Your Journaling Practice
March 02, 2017

If you’ve been around Becoming Who You Are for a while, you’ll probably know that I’m an e-nor-mous fan of journaling. Having spent many an hour writing, typing, reading, and reflecting, I also know that sometimes a regular ...

Goodbye February
February 28, 2017

Let’s say goodbye to the month that has been and get ready for the next with a roundup of 10 questions, recommended reading, and fun/useful links. A huge thank you to all the new patrons who have pledged their support this month: ...

20 Lists to Make When You Need a Quick Pick-Me-Up
February 27, 2017

Today, I want to share a version of one of my favourite journaling exercises: lists. After my daughter was born, I experienced a couple of episodes of “the baby blues:” a few days of feeling pessimistic, listless and tearful (N.

4 Common Myths About Vulnerability (and the Truth Behind Them)
February 20, 2017

Like authenticity, vulnerability is a buzzword right now. Since Brené Brown released her now-famous TED talk on shame and vulnerability, it’s become an en vogue personal growth topic. While it’s great more and more people are ...

Quieting Our Minds When Life Becomes Challenging
February 13, 2017

This is a guest post by Antonia Lyons. I have been quiet for a couple of weeks, mainly due to a mysterious illness while away on vacation in Italy which forced me to stop and reconsider a couple of things in my life.

How to Cultivate Ninja Active Listening Skills
February 06, 2017

Active listening skills are invaluable for any relationship. Being able to truly listen to what someone is saying—and show them we're listening—is a gateway to deeper connection and more intimacy. As humans, we all have a desire ...

Support Becoming Who You Are on Patreon for Special Perks and Rewards
February 03, 2017

Becoming Who You Are is on Patreon! By pledging just $5 a month, you will be making a huge difference to this website. Your pledge will help me keep creating useful content, free tools and resources. As a thank you, I'm offering some ...

#107: Just One Thing
February 02, 2017

In today's episode, I want to share another simple but effective coaching tool with you. I call this “Just One Thing.” It's a set of two questions we can use to get clarity and direction with our big goals and projects or when we're ...