Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Latest Episodes

#22 Sam McMeekin: It is time to act
November 15, 2019

It has been a full one, that’s for sure. I look forward to the time when that’s not the case!” says Sam McMeekin, co-founder of London’s Gipsy Hill Brewing Company. Looking back on 2019, there’s no risk of understatement from McMeekin.

#21 Is collaboration all what it seems
October 22, 2019

To hear some brewers talk, doing a collaboration with another brewery is a rite of passage, something every brewer has to do. But do they? You have your own brewery to run, with your own never-ending workload of paperwork, brewing, testing,

#20 CBD confusion
October 04, 2019

Is it a snake-oil scam, a placebo, or something we’ll all be using soon for everything from anxiety attacks to joint pain? Regardless, is taking a dose of hemp through a can of beer the way to go? In this episode of The Brewers Journal Podcast,

#19 Bad yeast! Bad!
September 20, 2019

You’re done all you can to make a decent beer, but then the calls start coming in. Pubs are complaining that your cans look like they’re ready to explode. Drinkers are complaining that your beer tastes awful. Another said when they opened the can,

#18 Going to the dark side
September 05, 2019

A good stout or porter is something beautiful to behold in your glass and in your mouth. Smooth and creamy with a wonderful balance – a dark will have you forgetting an IPA in a heartbeat as it dances across your taste buds. Probably,

#17 Manchester Union Brewery: Staying local
August 20, 2019

In 2019, the UK lager scene is in good health. There is a wealth of truly excellent beers being produced by breweries of all shapes and sizes and, for the most part, you’re never too far away from a great pint.

#16 Timothy Taylor’s secret to cask conditioned beer
August 06, 2019

Quality should be paramount above all else, says Andy Leman, head brewer at Timothy Taylor’s. And when you’re producing consistently excellent beer, time and time again, such an approach to brewing is clearly working for the Yorkshire-based business.

#15 Marble Brewery: Proving your worth
July 25, 2019

In modern brewing, if your business has been around for more than five years you’re considered something of an industry veteran. So for a brewery to celebrate its 22nd anniversary in 2019 is a fantastic achievement, indeed.

#14 Garrett Oliver of Brooklyn Brewery: Finding my religion
July 09, 2019

Brooklyn Brewery masterbrewer Garrett Oliver says “If you don’t have a religion, you can’t be a craft brewer.” His time spent in London in 1983-84 set in motion a career that has greatly shaped the US and global brewing scene.

#13 Black Iris: The secrets to marketing on a budget
June 24, 2019

You might be making the best beer on the planet, but in a market that is becoming  more crowded and competitive, how are you going to get somebody to make that discovery? You have to think marketing. While some brewers act like the word is the most obs...