Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Latest Episodes

#109 Mash Gang | Pushing the envelope
August 04, 2023

With Jordan from Mash Gang speaking at our Brewers Lectures in Newcastle next Wednesday, what better time to revisit our chat with him from January 2023...Gone are the days where choosing a beer witho

#108 Resurrecting Prize Old Ale
July 28, 2023

Last years release of Prize Old Ale was a real highlight for many fans of excellent beer. But the journey of this storied beverage, that classic fruity, strong, dark ale, goes back somewhat further.O

#107 Beautiful Beer | Wiper and True turns 10
July 21, 2023

Welcome to Wiper and True. The brewery, which is known for beers such as its Kaleidoscope Pale Ale, Milkshake Milk Stout and a wealth of other fantastic creations besides, has just celebrated its 1

#106 Charlie Harding | What did you post that for? Social media and the world of beer
July 14, 2023

In the modern world social media plays a huge role in pretty much every industry, and hospitality is no different. It can be both a blessing and a curse, so knowing how to get the best out of it is

#105 Changes to Alcohol Duty – how will they affect you?
July 07, 2023

It almost doesnt need repeating but breweries, like many businesses in the wider world of hospitality, have much to contend with in recent months and years.As we continue to adjust, post-pandemic, to

#104 Going global
June 29, 2023

When it comes to the world of no-and-low beers, they no longer on the periphery of the conversation - they are the conversation.The sale of low-alcohol and no-alcohol beers in the UK have nearly doub

#103 Luci Clayton-Jones, Double-Barrelled
June 15, 2023

For many people, you mention Reading and the first thing that springs to mind is the famed festival. The Reading Festival, which will once again take place this August, is the world's oldest popular m

#102 Werewolf Beer | New Beginnings
June 02, 2023

Welcome to Camden - home of Werewolf Beer. In the latest episode of The Brewers Journal Podcast, we return to North London to catch up with Rich White, the founder of Werewolf Beer. Recorded liv

#101 Turning beer green
May 19, 2023

The brewing industry has become a testing ground for the energy transition. Many drinkers want to drink responsibly: not just to protect their own health, but the health of the planet. Brewers larg

#100 Moonwake
May 05, 2023

Welcome to Moonwake.Moonwake, or the moons reflection on a body of water speaks to the Scottish brewerys Leith Shore location, the importance of water as an ingredient, and their beers reflection