Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Latest Episodes

#129 | Joined-up thinking in quality control
January 02, 2024

Knowing why your beer tastes like it does is imperative, in all parts of the chain. In this podcast, part of our Digital Takeover on quality control and analysis, our contributing editor Melissa Co

#128: Dynamic Quality – building brand consistency through quality control
January 02, 2024

How do you build brand consistency at your brewery? Well, its clear that starting with controlling the quality of the liquid youre building your business is on is a great way to start. At Northe

#127 | Basil Lee – Back to Basics
December 15, 2023

When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold... Weve all probably heard that saying, or at least a variant of it. In beer, its no secret that many US brewers appreciated and were of

#126 | Hayley Pearce – My journey in beer
December 08, 2023

We have all taken different routes on our journey in beer and todays guest has taken a path from Wigan, leading to London before heading some 40 miles out to Wokingham in Berkshire. Hayley Pearce

#125 | Building Britain’s Breweries
December 01, 2023

Theres a strong chance you, or someone you know, has enjoyed a beer that has been made possible by the hand of Nikola Marjanovic. Following a degree in food technology, specialising in microbiolog

#124 | A call for cask
November 24, 2023

If youve ever entertained a visiting brewer from overseas, one of the first questions you are normally asked is - where can we go for a great pint of cask beer? As decorated author Des de Moor tel

#123 | Find the right audience for your beer
November 17, 2023

How do you market your beers? How do you ensure that the people you think will enjoy them most are aware they exist? And also, how do you go about creating new fans altogether? To answer those que

#122 | Emma Reynolds – Ramen is always a good idea
November 10, 2023

In 2002 Emma Reynolds met Ken Yamada and became great friends over their shared love of travelling and food, more specifically Japanese food and in particular ramen. Over the years, they realised

#121 | Hackney Brewery – Why our taproom is key
November 03, 2023

At a time when many breweries are celebrating their tenth anniversaries Hackney Brewery, now the ripe old age of 12, could be considered elder statesmen of the London brewing community. Much has p

#120 | A life in brewing
October 27, 2023

As the dust settles on our recent Brewers Congress in London, we are already busy laying the foundations for next year's event. Colin Stronge, a brewing industry pioneer, was due to close last mont