Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Latest Episodes

#42 Low-to-no gets real
January 08, 2021

Around 2 ½ years ago when Brewers Journal Podcast visited Stuart Elkington and his online low-to-no bottle shop, his warehouse seemed to consist mostly of malty German beers. Sure, there were a couple that were passable but…on a thirsty day,

#41 Andrew Walton, Goose Island Shoreditch | Taking Flight
December 11, 2020

It’s the most wonderful time of year. Thirsty beer fans have had to wait a little longer than usual but from today, they can get their hands on the annual release of Goose Island’s venerable Bourbon County Brand Stout.

#40 Simple Things Fermentations | Go Your Own Way
November 27, 2020

We all come into the beer industry from different angles, with our own perspectives and from diverse origins. Phil Sisson, the founder of Simple Things Fermentations, in Glasgow, Scotland, is no different. Leaving a career in music studio management wi...

#39 Mondo Brewing Company | Striving for Better
November 13, 2020

Located in London, but drawing on global expertise, Mondo Brewing Company has shown how beer transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. Founded by Todd Matteson and Tom Palmer in 2015, the American natives have been creating great beers that span...

#38 Here and Now | ORA Brewing
October 30, 2020

Many of us, if we’re fortunate to do so, will travel in our lives. Often it’ll be for holiday and sometimes it will be to live or work elsewhere. Travel, as they say, broadens the horizons. And it’s this mentality that Julia Huber subscribes to,

#37 Playing your part | Wildcraft Brewery
October 16, 2020

The UK is blessed with breweries of all shapes and sizes. Some are tight-knit, modest operations while others operate out of facilities that could be mistaken for an aircraft hangar.  That doesn’t mean that one is good, and one is bad, or vice-versa.

#36 Treading your own path
October 02, 2020

Bottleshops are such an important part of the fabric of the brewing industry. In a Venn diagram they’re sitting in the middle, fulfilling an invaluable role connecting the breweries with the consumers that enjoy the fruits of their labour.

#35 Building Beaverworld
September 18, 2020

Last month, Beavertown opened the doors on its new London brewery. The facility, which will create up to 150 jobs, will enable the brewery to produce up to 500,000hl and to brew in 150hl batches, equivalent of 90,000,00 pints per annum,

#34 Signature Brew | Bringing brilliant beer to the masses
September 04, 2020

If you want something done right, do it yourself.” This mentality has led to the creation countless companies and brands over the years. In the world of beer, brewers across the globe have taken to making their own beers in a bid to recreate styles tha...

#33 Beer, Brewing and burnout
August 21, 2020

Working in the brewing industry involves a lot of hard work, and long hours. Whether you’re in the field of production and packaging, or maybe sales and distribution, it has often been far too easy for many to forget that brewing industry professionals...