Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Latest Episodes

#52 McColl’s Brewery | Beer with Purpose
May 28, 2021

Making great beer that people enjoy is the goal of any brewer. Whether that’s a clean, crisp lager or a rich, decadent stout. Producing beers that make people happy is what it’s all about, isn’t it? But not every brewer follows the tried and tested pat...

#51 McFleshman’s | Making beer that’s out of this world…
May 14, 2021

An Astrophysicist and brewer walk into a bar. No, this isn’t the start of a joke and in this instance, we actually talking about the same person. Bobby Fleshman, is the founder of McFleshman’s in Appleton, Wisconsin.

#50 Ian and Sally Stewart | Brick Brewery
April 30, 2021

Started in a shed but something that has become a local institution, Brick Brewery has come a long way since being founded in 2012. A brewery, like the London landscape that surrounds it, that has changed and evolved over the last nine years.

#49 Scarily good beer | Rich White, Werewolf Beer
April 16, 2021

We’ve all been there, right? You know, travelling the best part of 3,500 miles across the Atlantic to go and see one of your favourite musicians play live in the company of a stranger. Well, that’s exactly what Rich White chose to do back in 2012.

#48 Rad Beer Co: Life in the fast lane
April 02, 2021

Brewing, like any other profession, can take us on a journey we might not have planned for. When Dylan Mobley (pictured far right) left his role at Stone Brewing in Escondido, California, to improve his work/life balance,

#47 Colin Stronge | Salt Beer Factory
March 19, 2021

To make a mark in your field of expertise once is a sign of hard work and, perhaps, good fortune. To do that regularly shows there’s more at play than a bit of luck. Whether you’re in sports, a musician or maybe a director,

#46 Vinohradský Pivovar | Moving with the times
March 05, 2021

The Czech Republic isn’t short of fantastic beer that’s for sure. But what happens when a group of childhood friends decide to get together and open a new brewery? Then you get Vinohradský Pivovar, of course… In this podcast we speak to the brewery’s m...

#45 Beak Brewery | Moving up the pecking order
February 18, 2021

It’s nearly a year since Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, took to the airwaves informing viewers that life, as we knew it, was about to change. From that point on, you could only shop for basic necessities. Exercise was limited to one form a day,

#44 The Science of Brewing
February 05, 2021

For Allan Rice and Sarah Thackray, starting Atom Beers back in 2014 meant founding a business that represented science, education, transparency and simplicity. And in the years since, they’ve undertaken scientific projects with the University of Hull,

#43 New Year / New Beer
January 22, 2021

As January comes to an end that can only mean one thing. What, you may ask? It means New Zealand Beer Month is on the horizon, of course! New Zealand Beer Month, or February for the uninitiated, is a celebration of the fine,