Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

Day #22 - A Story About Rejection
November 22, 2019

There's a saying among those who sell their own products that, "If you don't have a few people return what you've sold, you're not selling enough." The same could be said for bad reviews of podcasts. If you don't have some bad reviews for your...

Day #21 - The First Step (How To Get Started)
November 21, 2019

Most podcast listeners are passive. That means two things: They will never contact you or interact with the community you've built around your podcast. They aren't taking action on what you talk about. When it comes to #2, a big reason for this is...

Day #20 - How To Sell On Your Podcast
November 20, 2019

Looking for sponsors for your podcast? You better know how to tell a story and sell stuff if you want to keep them happy. How do you do it? That's what I talk about here. You'll learn how to go beyond the generic talking points most advertisers give...

Day #19 - Missed Opportunities
November 19, 2019

One of the top qualities you can have as a podcast host is approachability. When listeners think you're relatable and they'd have an easy time saying hello if they ever see you out, you will be very attractive to them. You can help your...

Day #18 - How To Let Listeners Know What You Want (And How To Pay You)
November 18, 2019

Yesterday, we talked about how to use jargon in podcasting. Today's episode builds on that as far as clarifying things for listeners... You can't assume listeners know what you do or what you want from them. Because of this, it's a good idea to embed...

Day #17 - Jargon (A Powerful Podcasting Tool)
November 17, 2019

Jargon is "special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand." And it's a great opportunity to better connect with your podcast listeners, if you know how to use it... To make...

Day #16 - Podcast Surprise!
November 16, 2019

You've officially 50% done with the 30-Day Solo Podcast Challenge. How does it feel? Tougher than you thought? Welcome to the club. Remember, I'm right here with you. But keep going! This is how good podcasters become great and great podcasters become...

Day #15 - That Was Weird...
November 15, 2019

Everybody has a "weird" story. You know, something that happened to you that was outside the mainstream, or a fluke, or maybe just funny. Your listeners have these kinds of stories as well. Again, everybody has these stories. If you've been podcasting...

Day #14 - The Heart-Breaker
November 14, 2019

Over the last couple of days, you've talked about some of the common misconceptions and hurdles that are holding your listeners back. Now it's time to talk about the results of what happens when your listeners don't take the action necessary to work...

Day #13 - Common Misconceptions (w/ Blooper Reel)
November 13, 2019

Your podcast listeners, like all people, have a few misconceptions. And these misconceptions are getting in the way of them getting where they need to go. But these misconceptions can be a great opportunity when it comes to listeners getting really...