Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

December 24, 2019

Back in the air chair... I had planned to take a few days off after the 30 episodes from last month, but here we are, three weeks later. Strangely enough, I've had a few people reach out to me over the last couple of weeks to ask about "how to come...

30-Day Solo Podcast Challenge - Conclusion
December 01, 2019

The 30-Day Solo Podcast Challenge is done, but you are not done – your podcasting challenge is just beginning. This series was designed to give you a jumpstart into the world of solo podcasting. What happens next is up to you... To make sure you...

Day #30 - Your Podcast Billboard
November 30, 2019

Your podcast, especially if it's solo, is a billboard – it lets people know everything they need to know about you (or at least what you want them to know about you). So what do you want to be known? That's what this episode of the 30-Day Solo...

Day #29 - Where To Get Unlimited Podcast Ideas
November 29, 2019

One of the most common questions people ask me about solo podcasting is, "Where do you get ideas for episodes?" In this episode of the 30-Day Solo Podcast Challenge, I talk about this and give you a very specific exercise to make sure you never run...

Day #28 - All Podcast Hosts Have Secrets
November 28, 2019

All podcast hosts have two things: Things we want people to know about. Things we hope remain secret. Some secrets are scandalous. Or we think they are.  Some are a big deal. Or we think they are. This episode is about secrets and what we...

Day #27 - How To Build Your Reputation Via Your Podcast
November 27, 2019

Most stories in the media, at least when it comes to celebrities, don't just happen. When you see somebody "famous" getting positive coverage on big media, there's a good chance it happened because a publicist (or even the person himself) asked for...

Day #26 - Your Toolkit
November 26, 2019

Listeners are attached to you. Because of this, they love "behind-the-scenes" info. One of the best ways to ease into this and provide something of value that's related to your podcast topic is to share the tools you use to do your job (related to...

Day #25 - What's Happening Now?
November 25, 2019

Over the last couple of episodes, we've covered the "future" as well as the "past." In this episode, I talk about how to share what's happening NOW and get your listeners involved in what you're currently doing. Have you ever been in a city where...

Day #24 - The Mistake
November 24, 2019

The image we present as podcast hosts is always different than how we actually are as humans. Some of this is done on purpose, but because our podcasts are planned out and edited (or should be), it's easy for people to think we're better at organizing...

Day #23 - The Podcast Crystal Ball
November 23, 2019

As a podcast host, listeners look to you as an authority on your subject. And it can be helpful to your "status" as this expert to talk about current and future trends. Think about the host of a stock market show. What does something like that do for...