Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP - When the Parent-Child Relationship Cools
March 02, 2015

When the Parent Child Relationship Cools... We all have those moments - when we sense a distance or coolness from our child, when something has gone wrong in your relationship. It may be a young kid or an adult son or daughter, it may be in the middle of

MBFLP - Is Your Child A Sizzler?
February 23, 2015

Every parent has moments of wonder about just how much energy children have. Then ... there are kids who are more than just the average "busy" children. Carol Barnier, the author of How To Get Your Child Off The Refrigerator And On To Learning, calls thes

MBFLP - When Should You Get Your Kids Their Driver’s License?
February 16, 2015

When we were teens, we couldn't wait to get our driver's license -- it was a rite of passage! But we hear over and over in homeschooling circles a refrain that leaves us puzzled - and concerned: Families reluctant to help their young men and young women t

MBFLP - Romance Once You’ve Got Kids
February 09, 2015

Romance Once You've Got Kids It's Valentine's Day this week, and for parents with small children, no money for a sitter, and no relatives nearby, the response might be "So what?" It can be discouraging when the world is full of ads urging dinner out, expe

MBFLP - Millennials, Church, and Family
February 02, 2015

Studies and research on the Millennial Generation, those in their twenties and thirties now, can pretty disturbing. Indications are this group of young adults is moving away from their parents' values and institutions in ways we haven't seen since the six

MBFLP - Dealing With The Prodigal Child
January 26, 2015

It's a Christian parent's nightmare - the child who walks away from the family and the faith they were taught. Is there anything we can do but wait and pray? Carol Barnier, author of Reaching Today's Prodigal, was that child herself, and in this riveting

MBFLP - Teaching Kids Respect and Obedience
January 19, 2015

It's one of our "frequently asked questions" - How in the world can I get my kids to obey? How do you teach them respect? And it's not just because obedient kids are agreeable - we know it's important for their safety, and it's Biblical. This episode, we

MBFLP - Handling Flu Season With Grace
January 12, 2015

It's not just cold and flu season - this year's battle with influenza is worse than usual. How do you deal with the challenge of sickness at home while homeschooling? Does your response to sickness show your faith or cast doubt on it? How does love for th

MBFLP - Getting Back On Track After The Holidays
January 05, 2015

Whew, that was busy! The season from Thanksgiving to Christmas is overwhelming enough when it's not as short as this year's calendar made it. Now we're safely past New Year's and if you're like us, it's time to get the train out of the ditch and back on t

MBFLP - Keeping Your Kids Safe Online
December 29, 2014

For many families, Christmas is the time they update their smart phones, unwrap a new laptop, or add a phablet to the home network. Once, concerned parents were told, "Keep the computer in the family room and turn the screen where everybody can see it." T