Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP – Summertime Safety
May 25, 2015

Summer's here again, and the great outdoors beckon! Our family spends a lot of time in the water, on the road, in campgrounds and forests ... so we've had our share of "adventures." This episode we talk about practical things we all need to remember as...

MBFLP – Helping Siblings Love Each Other
May 11, 2015

Is sibling rivalry an issue at your house? The Bible often speaks of love among brothers - it's used as an example of how we should get along in the church, for instance. Yet that image doesn't have much meaning if our relationship with our earthly bro...

MBFLP – Homeschooling As Discipleship
May 03, 2015

Homeschoolers think about academic excellence a great deal - it's one of the most common reasons people undertake home education at all! But are we losing a Biblical balance when we make schoolwork our focus?

MBFLP – Teaching Writing with David Vogel
April 27, 2015

The written word gives us to power to reach across distances and even through time, to hear from writers long departed and to speak to unborn generations! Yet writing well is a skill that many of us struggle to learn,

MBFLP – Early Homeschooling
April 22, 2015

Are your children brilliant? Precocious readers? Showing signs of early genius? Or do you just wonder when it's time to start homeschooling a curious youngster? This episode, we talk about the idea of early homeschooling - is it a good idea?

MBFLP – How To Get The Most From Conventions
April 22, 2015

So you're going to a homeschool convention, but you've heard stories (and warnings) from friends - some are so big, they're overwhelming. There's so much walking! And what will you do with the kids? This episode,

MBFLP – Why Should You Go To A Homeschool Conference?
April 07, 2015

This is the season of homeschool conventions - from small, intimate convocations in rural areas, to megaconferences with more attendees than our hometown. They're the boon and the bane of many homeschoolers' year. Are they really necessary,

MBFLP - Two Vans, 300 Fans, and One Great God
March 30, 2015

We're just back from a 3600-mile trip to North Dakota and back. It wasn't our longest trip but it was certainly one of our most eventful ... - When we lost oil pressure in Wisconsin, we wondered if God was sending us a message. -

MBFLP - Teaching A Christian World View
March 16, 2015

Are you satisfied with a Christianity that stays safe and unthreatening in its Sunday box, or do you believe Jesus is even Lord of math and science, politics and history, philosophy and ethics too? Your framework and lens for understanding things aroun...

MBFLP - Loving Your Children Like Jesus Does
March 09, 2015

We all know the passage about Jesus and the children - "Let them come to Me, and do not forbid them ..." - but what more can we learn about loving our children like Jesus does? What can He teach us about discipline? Or about mercy?