Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP - Talking To Your Kids About Sex
December 15, 2014

It's a difficult thing for most parents - gathering the courage to have "The Talk" with our children. Why can't we just wait until they're more grown up? Can't we shield them from the sexualized culture so they can stay innocent until they're adults? How

MBFLP - Hope Auer Interview
December 08, 2014

This episode our guest is Hope Auer. She's the author of the award-winning novel A Cry From Egypt which she began when she was just a 13-year-old homeschool student. Now in her early twenties, Hope has already won Book of the Year for her first novel, whi

MBFLP - Saving Money At Christmas
December 01, 2014

It's the most commercial time of the year, the Christmas shopping season. For some businesses, the sales for these few short weeks make up for months of sluggish economy. For many of us, though, our own personal economy isn't ready for big spending ... as

MBFLP - Choosing Meaningful Gifts for the Family
November 24, 2014

We like the whole giving-and-receiving tradition of Christmas because it celebrates God's greatest gift - His Son, bringing His grace -- and face it, it's just fun! But sometimes we get discouraged at not just the commercialization of the holiday, but how

MBFLP - Getting Along With Extended Family At The Holidays
November 17, 2014

We all have them - people we love too much to ignore, but can really make a holiday gathering awkward. The ones who ask your homeschooled kids wouldn't they rather ride the nice yellow school bus, or the ones who poke the new father in the ribs and ask "D

MBFLP - Celebrating Thanksgiving
November 10, 2014

Holidays are meant to be times to remember and celebrate God's work in the lives of our family and nation, but too often we let the celebration overrun the memory. This episode we talk about how to make your family's Thanksgiving more meaningful - and mor

MBFLP - Teaching Kids About Liberty and Government
November 03, 2014

On the eve of the mid-term elections, how do we talk about the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity? How can we help keep the next generation from trading our hard-won freedom for supposed security or momentary gain? Do we appreciate the im

MBFLP - Celebrating Reformation Day
October 27, 2014

On October 31, 1517, a young theologian and priest named Martin Luther posted a list of debate questions on the door of the university church in Wittemburg, Germany. What was intended as a invitation for scholars and theologians to meet and consider, beca

MBFLP - Our Biggest Parenting Struggle
October 20, 2014

In your time as a parent, what's been your biggest struggle? Was it a single event, or a certain age, or an ongoing battle? We asked our Facebook community and were overwhelmed by the response! This episode, we'll talk about our biggest surprise as parent

MBFLP - In God We Trust; All Others Bring Data
October 13, 2014

Often we think we know, but can't prove it to a skeptic. Homeschooling is one example; we like what we see in our family, but admit that maybe our experience isn't the norm. Lawmakers, public school officials, and the media want something more concrete th