Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

The College Application Dance – MBFLP 182
September 18, 2017

The process of applying for college can be stressful for homeschoolers. It's hard enough being both Mom and Teacher - now she has to play Guidance Counselor too! Can your son prove he's ready for college? How can you showcase your daughter's real gifts...

Talking to Kids about Disasters – MBFLP 181
September 11, 2017

The news is full of alarming stories - hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and more - and it's nearly impossible to shield our kids from hearing about it. How do you help your children understand natural disasters and bad news with concern but not panic?

Emergency Homeschooling – MBFLP 180
September 04, 2017

We love meeting families who decide to homeschool when they're still years from "school age" - but sometimes people end up homeschooling suddenly. What do you do if you have to jump into home education because of an unexpected relocation,

Boy-Friendly Homeschooling – MBFLP 179
August 28, 2017

We had six boys, one after another, and thought our family's sort of crazy was just normal life. Then people who had girls first started asking, "How in the world do you manage to homeschool all those boys?" The fact is,

Teen Boys Who Hate School – MBFLP 178
August 14, 2017

  - Long ago, we noticed a revolving door at the eighth grade - parents who homeschooled their children from the beginning putting their kids into the school system, and public school parents pulling their kids out of the very same pipeline.

Preteens and Spiritual Doubt – MBFLP 177
August 07, 2017

One of the most disturbing, even frightening, experiences of our parenting journey was learning of a child's spiritual doubts. After pouring love and Scripture into our children for ten years, we may find that it hasn't taken root - or that the early b...

Bullies and What to Do About Them – MBFLP 176
August 02, 2017

One of the reasons many people start homeschooling is to avoid "negative peer interaction," which often means bullying. Sadly, though, it can happen at church, at homeschool meetings, or simply any gathering of kids.

Important Stuff We Forget To Teach – MBFLP 175
July 24, 2017

We all start homeschooling knowing that we'll have to teach reading, spelling, math ... all the traditional classroom subjects. But we quickly realized there were some things that "just happened" in school, and now that we're the school,

Body Image and Family – and What To Do About Them – MBFLP 174
July 17, 2017

Do you feel uncomfortable about your own body? When Melanie wrote about this on our blog, it turned out to be one of our most popular articles! This episode, we talk about handling negative self-talk, building up your wife,

Hard Conversations – MBFLP 173
July 10, 2017

Even the best friendships run into rough spots - husbands and wives, parents and kids, church friends, neighbors. Sometimes you need to have those terrible conversations that begin, "We need to talk ..." But even if they're difficult,